Shot in the dark: Star paid hefty sum to channel to dump intimate footage

30 January,2014 08:38 AM IST |   |  The Hitlist Team

This actor paid a hefty amount to keep intimate footage featuring him and his 'rumoured' girlfriend from being aired on television

He doesn't have any projects in hand and has in fact, been in the news only for his liaisons with an actress he met recently.

And although the two haven't admitted to their relationship, it is being said that they are in love despite facing stiff opposition from the actress' family.

In fact, the two have been spotted together on several occasions and a channel is believed to have acquired sensitive footage of the two together.

A source says, "This couple stayed in the same suite in Goa for a few days before heading back to the city. But when the actor got to know that a TV channel had captured him with his girlfriend in Goa, he is said to have used all means, including begging and offering hefty amount of money to keep them from airing it. The channel has apparently given in and now dumped the footage."

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