28 April,2021 08:25 AM IST | Mumbai | mid-day online correspondent
Amitabh Bachchan. Pic/Satej Shinde
Marking the auspicious occasion of Hanuman Jayanti, megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Tuesday dropped the mesmerising music video of 'Jai Hanuman' from MX Player web series Ramyug. The vocals of the song have been given by none other than the legend himself. The 78-year-old actor took to his Twitter handle and wished his fans on the occasion while presenting the religious song with the tweet, "Jo Sumiraye hanuman ka naam, Uske bane bigade kaam. Shri hauman jayanti ke paawan parv par aap tatha aapke parivaar ki sukh samriddhi aur aayush ki prarthna ke sath ek naveen dharmik rachna 'Jai Hanuman', aagami film 'Ramyus' se."
Along with Amitabh, the music video also features tabla virtuoso Ustad Zakir Hussain. Rahul Sharma is the music director for this special rendition with the lyrics penned by Aman Akshar.
Director Kunal Kohli is slated to retell the epic tale with the new MX Player series 'Ramyug', which is touted to be the biggest show in the upcoming weeks. The trailer of the series will be unveiled on April 29.
Meanwhile, Amitabh was recently cast for the Indian adaptation of 'The Intern' opposite Deepika Padukone. Apart from that, he has films like 'Jhund', 'Brahmastra', 'Goodbye', 'May Day' and several others in the pipeline.