Amy Jackson and Ed Westwick get engaged! 10 PDA filled pictures of the couple

British actress Amy Jackson, who has been part of many Indian films, has gotten engaged to her boyfriend Ed Westwick. Ed, best known for his role as Chuck Bass in the hit American TV series Gossip Girl, went down on one knee to propose to Jackson, who happily said yes. Amy and Ed have been dating for a while now. Take a look at some of their cutest pictures

Updated On: 2024-01-30 09:11 AM IST

Compiled by : Tuhina Upadhyay


Amy Jackson, the English actress known for her roles in Indian films like 2.0, I, and Singh is Bliing, announced her engagement with longtime beau Ed Westwick

Her fiancé is actor Ed Westwick, a familiar face in British media, particularly known for his role as Chuck Bass in the TV series Gossip Girl and Vincent Swan in the recent show White Gold.

Rumors about their relationship created a buzz in the British media, given their prominence on British television

In a 2021 interview with Lifestyle Asia, Amy shared the story of how she and Ed met at a race event in Silverstone.

They crossed paths nearly two years ago, with Ed attending the event with a friend who also knew Amy. 

They bonded over a conversation, mainly centred around dogs, and later raced around the track in their Astons.

As the years progressed, Amy and Ed's relationship flourished.

By 2022, they were frequently seen on each other's social media, putting their cutest pictures online for all to see

Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick and Amy Jackson were often spotted engaging in public displays of affection at various red-carpet events

The couple shared laid-back and dating photos, flaunting their journey through various destinations

Now, the couple is officially engaged, with Ed Westwick proposing to Amy in the picturesque icy mountains of Switzerland.

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