Rahul and Ishita's blogs are a work of finesse in travel and fashion

23 August,2019 02:52 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  Partnered Content

Both Rahul and Ishita were very enlightened when they visited the cities for shopping and clubbing

Rahul and Ishita

The power of the internet is huge, but to utilise the same in the best possible way is not everybody's cup of tea. Rahul and Ishita have made it possible with the tireless efforts and undivided dedication towards their passion and hobbies.

Ishita, being a professional IT engineer and Rahul into a business of medicines have taken their dreams to a whole new level. Having mentioned their professions, it is obvious that they do not have much time to spare for their work on Instagram or other social websites. Being from a very small village named Ambala, they grew this passion of theirs. They wanted people to understand brands, their eligibility, their affordability etc. Both Rahul and Ishita were very enlightened when they visited the cities for shopping and clubbing. They could foresee a place for themselves in the social world and how they could influence people with their knowledge. It all started with mere photography and simple content work. Both of them were absolutely new to this form of work. There is a saying 'hard work pays off.' They are the living examples of this saying. In spite of their busy schedules and their personal life, they managed to pull off this as well.

On Instagram, Ishita and Rahul have gathered a great number of followers. They have received endless love from their social media family. One of the most important things to notice in their success story is that they are extremely compatible with each other. They have been working as two individuals with one brain. Their vision and their creative work are phenomenal. They understand how people can be influenced through the internet and also the fact that they can get extremely valuable knowledge about fashion, travelling, lifestyle etc. This is all because they have been a part of a rural India and they understand the scarcity of sources there. Not everybody has the fate or the opportunity to see the most easily available of products online or even in the flea market.

Rahul and Ishita made it big when they were recognised by they were highlighted by an Instagram page named as 'ITSTHELOVEPROJECT.' They were awestruck when then noticed that they were being observed and actually followed by famous people. Without any upper hand, in this profession, their dedication and their endeavours paved way for them. They did not have many funds neither did they have availed resources to work on such projects. After having a chance to collaborate with a great watch brand, they decided, to uplift their work and bought a DSLR, that would highlight their work as well as give it a professional touch.

This was not the end of their efforts or their opportunities. They made sure that getting to know people and increasing their social group would help them climb this staircase of success in a much more highlighted manner. When people dream big, they take great efforts and chances to make the way through it. The Internet has its blessing but it also has the negatives as well. They not only received love from their followers on the internet but they also had to face the trolls and the haters. But the inspiring fact from their story is that they turned a deaf ear and blind eye to all the negativity. Nothing could stop them from elevating in this field. Rahul and Ishita, today have a huge fan base and are enlightening the world with the knowledge and their creative work. Both of them have taken huge leaps and have worked with great brands currently. They are the youth icons and have been a great inspiration to so many people across the globe.

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