My parents are partial to my younger brother...

19 April,2012 07:25 AM IST |   |  Dear Diana

Dear Diana, I'm a 15-year-old student. My summer vacation is going on and I'm not at all enjoying it! Actually I don't get along with my younger brother (he is six years old) and vice-versa.

He is favoured by my parents too. Whenever we end up in a fight, they always take his side. He's a spoilt brat and nobody in the house seems to realise this fact. I don't understand why he's adored so much. Unlike me, he's not even good in studies yet everyone loves him more. I don't get this and I won't be exaggerating if I said I hate my family. I think I'm adopted.
- Vaman

Illustration/ Satish Acharya

Dear Vaman,
Adopted? Gosh why are you thinking so hard and so fast? You need to chill. As he is almost a decade younger to you, everyone pampers him. It appears your parents were keen to have a sibling and due to certain problems could not have a another child. And when they finally did, they are doting on him. Sibling rivalry is a common phenomenon world wide. Many children feel that their family favours their sister and brother. In your case, your brother is still a kid so he needs more care. There is no point feeling neglected. It is up to you to make the most of it. In a few years, your brother will be grown up and things will the same for you and him. So cheer up. You can have a talk with your family as well and tell him how you feel. Perhaps if they tell you why they are doing so you will be at ease.

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