08 April,2011 08:42 AM IST | | Diana
Dear Diana,
My best friend rejected me when I expressed my love for her. She told me she had no such feelings for me and I accepted it. We continue to be friends but I really can't stop loving her. When she talks about other guys, I feel I have lost everything. We have a mutual friend and when I message or talk to this friend, my best friend gets irritated and says I shouldn't. She says she's afraid of losing me and that I can talk to any other girl except her. And if I continue to, she will leave me. So does this mean she loves me?
Dear Friend,
I have a feeling she's just looking out for you. She has no problems with you dating or seeing anyone else. Just this one girl. However, it's unclear what she means when she says she will "leave" you. She was never "with" you to begin with. She can offere her opinion as a friend but cannot impose those opinions on you. Don't get too caught up in the whys and hows of it. Make decisions for yourself.
Is she too young for me?
Dear Diana,
I'm 26 and have recently been seeing a 17-year-old girl. We literally have everything in common and get on very well. We've been out a few times and like eachother. Would it be wrong to start a relationship?
Name withheld
Dear Friend,
Wrong, no. Fairly inappropriate, yes. She's quite young for you and people would definitely get the wrong idea. But if you both really like each other, it doesn't matter what other people think and I don't think any harm could come of it.
Forgive my family?
Dear Diana,
My boyfriend and I are 15. We have been dating five months but have only gone as far as kissing. My stepmom hates me and saw us watching TV. She told my dad and big bro that my BF was "on top of me". They came in and beat him up and he had to go to the hospital for stitches. I don't know why they did that since they always liked him. The matter got sorted out later but I am still mad at my stepmom. Should I forgive my family?
Name withheld
Dear Friend,
Beating up a minor isn't the right thing to do. Especially without checking on the facts. If you know your limits and adhere to them, there was no reason to get violent. And besides, they didn't have to go as far as to injure him. A good shakedown follwoed by a curfew for you would have been as effective had you two been up to hanky-panky. Should you forgive your family for beating up on your boyfriend? I am more surprised your BF's family has put this incident behind them.