Maha CM Uddhav Thackeray announces aid for Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg

08 June,2020 12:17 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  PTI

High-speed winds accompanied by rains caused large- scale damage in coastal areas of the district as cyclone Nisarga made landfall near Alibaug in Raigad district on Wednesday

Uddhav Thackeray

Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Sunday announced financial assistance of Rs 75 crore and Rs 25 crore, respectively, for coastal Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts, affected by cyclone 'Nisarga'. He made the announcement during a video-conference meeting held for the assessment of damage caused by the cyclone, which had made landfall in Raigad district on Wednesday afternoon.

"The announced amount is part of immediate relief assistance and not a package," Thackeray told officials from Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg district. He instructed the administration to revise the norms for offering relief to the coastal parts of the state. "I want the norms to be revised to provide relief to the people affected by different natural calamities. After that, help can be extended in a better way," Thackeray said. "I will visit the cyclone-affected areas soon...We are considering laying of underground electricity cables across the coastal areas, which would not get affected during such cyclonic conditions," he said.

High-speed winds accompanied by rains caused large- scale damage in coastal areas of the district as cyclone Nisarga made landfall near Alibaug in Raigad district on Wednesday. During his visit to Alibaug on Friday, the chief minister had announced financial assistance of Rs 100 crore for Raigad district. During the meeting held on Sunday, Kapil Patil, BJP MP from Bhiwandi, urged the CM to provide financial assistance of Rs 10 crore to the cyclone-hit farmers in Thane district. He demanded the succour for farmers specially from Murbad and Shahapur tehsils of the district. Meanwhile, state Energy Minister Nitin Raut said that within a week, his department would restore the power supply which was affected in parts of the coastal districts due to the impact of the cyclonic storm. "The cyclone was so strong that it flattened electricity polls and disrupted power supply," he said.

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