Mumbai Rains: Intensity of showers to increase by July 12

10 July,2020 10:43 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  mid-day online correspondent

skymet has predicted moderate rains for the period, the chances of heavy rains or thundershowers have not been ruled out

Picture\Sameer Markande

Amid pleasant weather, Mumbaikars are likely to witness rains this weekend. According to the private weather agency Skymet, rain activities are likely to see a rise between July 12 to July 14.

The private weather agency said the city is likely to experience moderate rains on these days due to a cyclonic circulation that is expected to form at around 5.4 km above the mean sea level around July 13. Although Skymet has predicted moderate rains for the period, the chances of heavy rains or thundershowers have not been ruled out.

Monsoon activities in the past 24 hours

Mumbai has been receiving light to moderate rains for the past two days due to an offshore trough as well as the well-marked low-pressure area in the Arabian Sea has weakened.

The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted generally cloudy skies for Mumbai on Friday with a possibility of moderate rains in the city and the suburbs. The weather department's Santacruz observatory recorded a maximum temperature of 32.2 degrees Celsius and a minimum temperature of 26.4 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, the Colaba observatory recorded a maximum temperature of 31.5 degrees Celsius and a minimum temperature of 27 degrees Celsius.

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