Horoscope today, May 19: Check astrological predictions for all zodiac signs

19 May,2023 07:14 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Shirley Bose

Wondering what`s in store for you today? Well, we have you covered. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Shirley Bose

Do you know what the stars hold for you in terms of love life, career, business and personal wellness today? Well, read on to know your astrological predictions as per your zodiac sign for May 19.

March 21 - April 20
Patience pays off as innermost desires are granted. Have invoices checked carefully by the accounts department.
Cosmic tip: Build a loving relationship on being non-judgmental, on trust and sincerity.

April 21 - May 20
Reducing caffeine intake is a wise decision taken. Try not to brush off an elder's advice.
Cosmic tip: Deductions and assumptions should be avoided. Look for what seems logical.

May 21 - June 21
Closing stages of a friendship ends in avoidable disagreements. Let go with love.
Cosmic tip: Be caring but slightly detached from friends. You've had too many forgettable experiences in the past.

Also Read: Weekly horoscope: Check astrological predictions for all zodiac signs

June 22 - July 23
A contract is delayed in taking off quickly due to licensing or bureaucratic permissions.
Cosmic tip: Deal patiently with relatives. Allow yourself to experience the funny side of life.

July 24 - Aug 23
There's unshakeable belief this relationship was always meant to be. Look for other more economical options if being overcharged.
Cosmic tip: Make a relocation decision based on practicality and not emotions.

Aug 24 - Sept 23
Not expecting a situation to blow out of proportion like this is a good lesson in checking the ego while being diplomatic.
Cosmic tip: Avoid spontaneous purchases. Need based ones are fine.

Sept 24 - Oct 22
Accept that people are busy. Be patient even though you're longing to receive an affirmative message.
Cosmic tip: Keep energy levels soaring by continuing with the new diet and exercise regime.

Oct 23 - Nov 22
A project plan needs some alterations and additions of newer angles on how to go about getting required results.
Cosmic tip: Pursue a new business idea you thought about the other day.

Nov 23 - Dec 22
Overwrought and edgy family relationships ease off in a day or two. Be approachable.
Cosmic tip: Form a budget that is workable, which has some cushioning for an unexpected expense.

Dec 23 - Jan 20
You know exactly what to do when an inappropriately annoyed and tactless mood descends on you very unexpectedly.
Cosmic tip: Follow the doctor's advice to cut down on junk food.

Jan 21 - Feb 19
A huge argument takes you by surprise and disappears as suddenly. Don't dwell on it. This is life.
Cosmic tip: Enjoy this special time with parents and other elders.

Feb 20 - March 20
There's an unexpected expense that has to be taken care of. Couples are on cloud nine.
Cosmic tip: Be happy for a sibling who rings with good news to share.

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