Gujarat: Pakistani national nabbed from border in Kutchh

18 September,2018 10:22 AM IST |  Ahmedabad  |  PTI

The man, who identified himself as Jivan Prabhu, was apprehended by a Border Security Force team from border pillar number 995 there Sunday afternoon after he crossed the India-Pakistan border

Representational picture

A Pakistani national was apprehended by the BSF from Bela village in Rapar taluka of Kutchh district near the border between the two countries, police said Monday. The man, who identified himself as Jivan Prabhu, was apprehended by a Border Security Force team from border pillar number 995 there Sunday afternoon after he crossed the India-Pakistan border, the official said.

At the time, he was carrying a mobile phone, a SIM card, some Pakistani currency, a water bottle and literature in Urdu, the official said. He was handed over to police at Balasar for further investigation, the official said. His interrogation has revealed that he was a native of Sindh province, an official said, adding that it was not clear why he crossed over into India.

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