It was Congress which indulged in corruption, TRS hits back

15 August,2018 09:27 AM IST |  Hyderabad  |  PTI

Referring to Gandhi's criticism of the TRS government over freedom of expression, Rao said it was during the Emergency, imposed by the Indira Gandhi government in 1975, that freedom of expression was stifled

Rahul Gandhi

Responding to Congress president Rahul Gandhi's criticism of the TRS government in Telangana, state municipal administration minister K T Rama Rao today alleged that it was the Congress which indulged in corruption and stifled freedom of expression.

"You talk about corruption Rahulji? Look around on the dais; half the people sitting next to you are out on bail!! Some in CBI cases & others in corruption cases. Oh! I forgot it's the "scamgress". A for Adarsh, B for Bofors, C for Commonwealth," Rao tweeted.

He was referring to Adarsh housing scam, Bofors scam and Commonwealth Games scam. The Telangana martyrs memorial, where Gandhi paid homage today, was installed in memory of those who were killed in 1969 at the behest of the then Indira Gandhi regime and those who killed themselves during the previous UPA regime, he said.

Referring to Gandhi's criticism of the TRS government over freedom of expression, Rao said it was during the Emergency, imposed by the Indira Gandhi government in 1975, that freedom of expression was stifled.

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