Uttar Pradesh: 171 kids hospitalised with encephalitis, viral fever in Prayagraj

06 September,2021 07:20 AM IST |  Prayagraj  |  Agencies

As water is receding in the flood-affected areas, multiple cases of chronic diseases and viral fever are being reported among children

A crowded ward at a hospital, in Prayagraj, on Saturday. Pic/PTI

Over 170 children have been admitted to Motilal Nehru Hospital of Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh due to chronic diseases and viral fever, like encephalitis and pneumonia, where they need oxygen support, Prayagraj CMO Dr Nanak Saran said on Sunday.

"A few days back, when I did the inspection of the children ward, there were 120 beds. We have received 171 patients. So, we have shifted 2-3 children in one bed. Cases of dengue are fewer here. Some chronic diseases like encephalitis and pneumonia where they need oxygen support are admitted here," he said.

As water is receding in the flood-affected areas, multiple cases of chronic diseases and viral fever are being reported among children. In Motilal Nehru Hospital, three to four patients were seen on a single bed. Whereas, some were undergoing treatment on mattresses laid on the ground. Narendra Kumar, a patient's father, said, "The doctor is not paying any attention. There is no bed. My child is being infected by the medicine given by the hospital."

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