Martial arts increases your stamina, lends strength to your mind and gives you the extra edge to bring out the hero in you in the face of strife
Martial arts increases your stamina, lends strength to your mind and gives you the extra edge to bring out the hero in you in the face of strife. Imagine yourself at VT station where Qasab and his colleagues are on a rampage! You could be a saviour in the face of such a situation instead of just being a victim. I feel martial arts must be a part of the school curriculum. It makes us flexible and at later stages of our life, when lifestyle becomes sedentary, we can fall back on martial arts to help us be strong and not suffer from stress attacks or back pain, that otherwise become part of our everyday strife, I mean life! And most importantly, let us use martial arts for empowerment of the common man. For, we do not know when we may need these skills in the phase of global terrorism.