Took her credit card after she died on their couch
Took her credit card after she died on their couchA couple here has been charged with stealing a bank card from a friend who died on their couch and running up more than $1,000 in charges.
Michael Wheaton (25) and Sabrina Tomcho (20) have been charged with using a bank card belonging to 40-year-old Kimberly Rose Lacey a day after she died.
Lacey's husband, Matth-ew, said that his wife died on a couch in Wheaton and Tomcho's residence on December 4.
Investigators believe the couple went through Kimberly Lacey's purse while emergency workers tried to help her.
Police say the couple adm-itted using the card at several stores starting December 5.
Wheaton and Tomcho waived preliminary hearings on theft and access device fraud charges. They refused
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