California braces for more flooding as storm hits state

20 February,2024 06:16 AM IST |  San Francisco  |  Agencies

“The winds are here and getting stronger, and the rains will follow quickly,” he said Sunday afternoon

Workers checking the roof of an apartment after warnings. Pic/AP

The latest in a series of wet winter storms gained strength in California early Monday, with forecasters warning of possible flooding, hail, strong winds and even brief tornadoes as the system moves south over the next few days.

Gusts topped 48 kmph in Oakland and San Jose as a mild cold front late Saturday gave way to a more powerful storm on Sunday, said meteorologist Brayden Murdock with the National Weather Service office in San Francisco.

"The winds are here and getting stronger, and the rains will follow quickly," he said Sunday afternoon. California's central coast is at risk of "significant flooding," with up to 5 inches (12 cm) of rain predicted for many areas, according to the weather service. Isolated rain totals of 10 inches (25 cm) are possible in the Santa Lucia and Santa Ynez mountain ranges as the storm heads toward greater Los Angeles.

48 kmph
Speeed of the storm wind

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