Christians set up before Pakistan mob attacks

05 September,2023 08:35 AM IST |  Multan  |  Agencies

Amir and his brother had been arrested after they were accused by Muslims of desecrating the Quran

At least 17 churches and 100 homes were damaged. Pic/AP

Last month's mob attacks on churches and homes of Christians in eastern Pakistan erupted after three Christians threw the pages of Islam's holy book outside the house of two others to falsely implicate them in a blasphemy case due to a personal dispute, police said.

The three detained suspects confessed to conspiring and throwing Quran pages outside Raja Amir's house, three police officials said. Amir and his brother had been arrested after they were accused by Muslims of desecrating the Quran.

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The suspected mastermind, Pervez Kodu, thought Amir had an affair with his wife and knew Muslims would target him if the pages of the holy book were found outside his house.

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