CSA supports young bowler in coma after assault in England

03 June,2022 07:41 AM IST |  Johannesburg  |  IANS

Mondli Khumalo remains in a coma but is in a stable condition after his third surgery on Wednesday at Southmead Hospital after he was attacked during the early hours of Sunday morning (May 29) near the Dragon Rise Pub in Bridgwater

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Cricket South Africa (CSA) has come out in support of the family of bowler Mondli Khumalo, 20, who was brutally assaulted in the United Kingdom in the early hours of Sunday morning, which left him in a coma.

Khumalo remains in a coma but is in a stable condition after his third surgery on Wednesday at Southmead Hospital after he was attacked during the early hours of Sunday morning (May 29) near the Dragon Rise Pub in Bridgwater.

Sources close to Mondli told local media that the surgery was to remove a blood clot from his brain which had seemingly caused high blood pressure.

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