England must improve, says coach Gareth Southgate

08 September,2018 08:30 AM IST |  London  |  PA Sport

Southgate's side face Spain in their opening UEFA Nations League clash tonight

Gareth Southgate

England manager Gareth Southgate knows his young squad have come a long way since paper aeroplanes were thrown onto the Wembley pitch - but warned the World Cup semi-finalists must continue to improve.

Southgate's side face Spain in their opening UEFA Nations League clash tonight. "Over the summer [at the World Cup] you are looking for results, now it is about developing the team and improvement, looking at how we play, the tactical detail and testing ourselves against some really top teams," the England manager said.

"It is great we have got a full house [at Wembley] and we can step out in front of our fans, and feel the appreciation - but now it is about the next challenge. The summer is finished, we've got to move forward. Sport doesn't stand still and you have to improve."

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