Nintendo and Cygames release new 'Role-Playing Game' for Android

28 April,2018 02:09 PM IST |  Tokyo  |  IANS

While Nintendo and Cygames have not shared details about Dragalia Lost Read, they did release a trailer displaying the game's anime art style and brief snippets of combat

Representational picture

Japanese video gaming giant Nintendo and Cygames have partnered to announce a new mobile "Role-Playing Game" (RPG) named "Dragalia Lost Read" for Android. The game will be released in Asia this summer and later internationaly, Android Police reported on Friday.

While Nintendo and Cygames have not shared details about "Dragalia Lost Read," they did release a trailer displaying the game's anime art style and brief snippets of combat.

A page in Japanese language is available for users to pre-register on. Although the pricing has yet to be mentioned, according to what is listed on Play Store, the app download appears to be free along with some special paid content, the report added. Nintendo's last Android game "Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp," was released in November last year.

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