Kidney disease considered as a risk factor for reduced fertility

14 March,2018 12:59 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  mid-day online correspondent

According worldwide population-based data on the global burden of chronic kidney disease in 2010 CKD is more prevalent in women (272 million) than in men (226 million)

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Kidneys are the organs that filter waste products from the blood. They are also involved in regulating blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and red blood cell production in the body. Many women being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, especially who are older (55+ years old).

According worldwide population-based data on the global burden of chronic kidney disease in 2010 CKD is more prevalent in women (272 million) than in men (226 million). According to Global Prevalence of CKD - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis CKD is more likely to develop in women compared with men, with an average 14% prevalence in women and 12% in men. Diabetes is one the biggest risk factors for chronic kidney disease. Blood pressure is second risk factor kidney disease. Third risk factor is NSAIDS.

Dr Pradeep Gadge, Diabetologist, Gadge Diabetes Centre says, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common risk factors for kidney disease more frequent in women than in men. HIV infection and complications of pregnancy, including pre-eclampsia, are also risk factors for AKI and CKD in females. The urethra is shorter in women than in men, which makes it easier for bacteria to travel from outside the body to the bladder. Once in the bladder, an infection can spread to the kidneys.

Kidney disease is also considered as a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcome and reduced fertility. Pregnant women are at even higher risk of a kidney infection. Some kidney diseases, such as lupus nephropathy or kidney infection (acute or chronic pyelonephritis), usually affect women more. Kidney infections (as most urinary tract infections) are more common in women and more likely to involve pregnant women.

When kidneys fails, dialysis is require to remove wastes from the blood, however, it does not replace all of the functions of the kidneys, such as producing hormones. While all menopausal women are require to take calcium to prevent osteoporosis, it is important for those on dialysis. Because women on dialysis, their hormone levels may already be compromised. To help combat osteoporosis, additional calcium in the diet, or in the form of supplements, can help prevent bone loss.

Many women with diabetic kidney disease may not have any symptoms. The only way is to get your kidneys checked by blood (renal profile with electrolytes) and urine checked. People with diabetes should be screened regularly for kidney disease at least once a year.

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