{{#is_paid}} Premium {{/is_paid}}{{short_description}}
{{DateTime}} IST {{#location}} | {{location}} {{/location}} {{#authors.author1_name}} | {{authors.author1_name}} {{/authors.author1_name}} {{#authors.author2_name}} | {{authors.author2_name}} {{/authors.author2_name}}{{title}}
{{#is_paid}} Premium {{/is_paid}}{{short_description}}
{{DateTime}} IST {{#location}} | {{location}} {{/location}} {{#authors.author1_name}} | {{authors.author1_name}} {{/authors.author1_name}} {{#authors.author2_name}} | {{authors.author2_name}} {{/authors.author2_name}}Diwali to become a school holiday in New York
Diwali, the festival of lights is set to become a school holiday in New York City. New Yorkers celebrate Diwali to commemorate the victory of light over darkness. Announcement came after state lawmakers recently enacted legislation designating it as a holiday. Mayor Eric Adams called the moment a significant win for the local families. Earlier, Mayor Eric Adams talked about the significance of Diwali on Oct 2023. Diwali will be observed this year on Nov 12, 2023, therefore it will be a day off from school.
27 June,2023 03:50 PM IST | MumbaiNew York City To Observe Diwali As A Public Holiday From Next Year
In a historic move to further increase inclusiveness among population of different ethnicities in the US, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced Diwali as a holiday for the schools in the city. The announcement made its way to the public on October 20. #Diwali #newyork #MayorEricAdams
21 October,2022 06:00 PM IST | MumbaiNew York City To Observe Diwali As A Public Holiday From Next Year
In a historic move to further increase inclusiveness among population of different ethnicities in the US, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced Diwali as a holiday for the schools in the city. The announcement made its way to the public on October 20. #Diwali #newyork #MayorEricAdams
21 October,2022 03:09 AM IST | MumbaiBeliebers stop New York City traffic to meet Justin Bieber
Check out the chaotic video of Justin Bieber fans creating an insane frenzy on the streets of New York City just to say hi!
17 May,2014 02:44 PM ISTKarsh Kale talks about the impact New York city had on his career!
In an exclusive interview with Mid-Day's Aastha Atray Banan, musician and producer Karsh Kale talks about the huge impact that the city of New York had on his career. He also discusses his transition from playing the drums to the electronic tabla. Watch this video for more!
05 December,2020 10:20 AM IST