A problem with Urinary bladder function that causes the sudden need to urinate.
Dr. Prashanth Hungund - HOD URO, Consultant Urologist & Transplant surgeon at PEOPLE TREE Hospitals Bangalore.
Overactive bladder happens mostly in women but may occur in men too. Ageing, and Enlarged prostate and diabetes are all risk factors.
The urge to urinate may be difficult to control and lead to the involuntary loss of urine (incontinence). It may be embarrassing or limit activity.
People may experience frequent urge to urinate, frequent urination, bed wetting, bladder spasm, or leaking of urine.
Treatment consists of therapies and devices such as pelvic floor muscle exercises, medications and nerve stimulation can reduce or eliminate symptoms.
Absorbent pads, Scheduled toileting, Double voiding and Bladder training.