Vineet Kumar of Sabki Laadli Bebo talks to CS about the five things, apart from his house keys, that he never forgets before leaving home:
Vineet Kumar of Sabki Laadli Bebo talks to CS about the five things, apart from his house keys, that he never forgets before leaving home:
Cell phone
I have a Nokia N95 that has an 8GB memory. It has a 5-mega-pxiel camera.
Mint and coffee
Whenever I am on shoots I carry sachets of coffee. I don't like the coffee on the sets so I make my own. You will always find Halls and Chloromint in my bag.
Perfume and deo
I am a person who likes simple fragrances. Calvin Klein is my favourite perfume, when it comes to deos, I use Black London.
I have three to four different shades. I have brands like Vintage, Gucci and Ray-Ban. Whenever I buy my glasses I look for the lens, colour and design more than the brand.
I don't change my wallet unless necessary. I have a brown Gucci wallet that I love.