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Kalki Koechlin: I never keep commerce and audience in mind

Updated on: 03 April,2015 07:53 AM IST  | 

The economics of filmmaking may have assumed a greater importance in the Bollywood of recent times, but actress Kalki Koechlin, who will next be seen in 'Margarita With a Straw', says she neither thinks of commerce, nor about audiences while doing a movie

Kalki Koechlin: I never keep commerce and audience in mind

Kalki Koechlin

The economics of filmmaking may have assumed a greater importance in the Bollywood of recent times, but actress Kalki Koechlin, who will next be seen in 'Margarita With a Straw', says she neither thinks of commerce, nor about audiences while doing a movie.

Kalki Koechlin
Kalki Koechlin Pic/Satyajit Desai

Asked how she looks at the commercial aspect of her forthcoming movie, Kalki said: "I never keep commerce and audience in mind. I believe in my script, and work hard. I don't think this film is for the Mumbai audience or festival audience.....(if that's the case) then you (an actor) will fail.

"I work from my heart. I love intelligent cinema and it should grip me."

Directed by Shonali Bose, 'Margarita With a Straw' is slated for release on April 17.

The movie has done its share of rounds at international film festivals, and Kalki says the team has received an "amazing response".

In the film, Kalki plays a girl with cerebral palsy, and it narrates her struggle with the normal activities in her life.

Kalki calls it a 'brilliant story'.

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