Aditya Roy Kapur hosted a grand success party of his latest film, Malang at his residence in Bandra, Mumbai. The bash was attended by his co-stars Disha Patani, Kunal Kemmu, director Mohit Suri and Elli AvRam. All pictures/Yogen Shah
AvRam sizzled in her pink top and grey trousers at the bash. She opted for a pair of black shoes and kept her hair open to complete her look.
Kunal Kemmu was all smiles for the photographers as he attended the success bash. Kunal opted for a blue t-shirt and black pants.
Aditya Roy Kapur looked handsome in his silver vest and ripped jeans. For Malang, Aditya had to undergo a complete transformation from being lean in the first half to bulked-up in the later parts of the romantic-thriller.
Disha also underwent special training and learned how to ride the ATV Bike. The actress also trained for an underwater kissing scene and underwent training for the same.
Malang, which was directed by Mohit Suri was released on February 7. The movie received mixed reviews from critics and audience. At present, the movie is witnessing steady growth at the box office.