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Emma Thompson uses fame to tackle political issues

Updated on: 30 June,2017 07:45 AM IST  |  London

Actress Emma Thompson says she actively uses her fame to talk about political issues

Emma Thompson uses fame to tackle political issues

Emma Thompson

Emma Thompson
Emma Thompson

Actress Emma Thompson says she actively uses her fame to talk about political issues.

The 58-year-old, who will next be seen in upcoming film "Alone in Berlin", is very vocal about her passion for the environment and feels it's her responsibility to use her profile to talk about these things and try and make a difference, reports metro.co.uk.

"I just do it because it seems natural. Everything is political. So I've never, ever done any of these interviews without it becoming a political discussion because that's what life is. It would be dull if all we did was talk about films," Thompson said.

Thompson makes sure her political views are fully backed up with information collected from different sources.

"I read books by journalists and I watch the Real New Network out of Baltimore - their news pieces are 15 minutes long and there will be long, discursive pieces about certain issues. I buy periodicals, from the right and the left," she said.

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