East India Comedy is hosting Global Desi, an event featuring performers Raj Sharma and Jeeveshu Ahluwalia, who are set to tickle your funny bone
East India Comedy, Global Desi, Raj Sharma, Jeeveshu Ahluwalia, stand-up comedy, Indian stand-up comedians, Mumbai Guide
Gear up for a laugh riot as East India Comedy is showcasing Global Desi, an event that will feature comedians Raj Sharma and Jeeveshu Ahluwalia.
(From left) Raj Sharma and Jeeveshu Ahluwalia
Sharma started his career in Texas and is the co-founder of Indians at The Improv. In his 12-year career, he has worked with comedians like Russell Peters, Louis CK, Bill Burr, Tom Rhodes and Bryan Callen. Daily observations, childhood stories and interaction with the crowds mark his acts.
On the other hand, Ahluwalia has won several awards and appears on television shows. Speaking about the event, Ahluwalia says, “The audience can expect fun perspectives from different viewpoints and above all, jokes that we hope and pray, they like.
Our way of delivery is anecdotal sort of storytelling which entails engaging the audience and making them a part of it. Irrespective of where you sit, we will end up talking to you at some point.” Ahluwalia adds that while Sharma will dole out a Texan-style of stand-up comedy, he will bring in the local flavour.