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2010 is the year that will change your life?

Updated on: 04 January,2010 08:14 AM IST  | 
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Your horoscope with MiD DAY Tarot expert Shirley Bose

2010 is the year that will change your life?

Your horoscope withu00a0MiD DAYu00a0Tarot expert Shirley Bose

Aries (March 21 - April 20)
Love and sex:
Balancing work and family life will be the main consideration. Being too engrossed at work, and ignoring family may become a slight issue by June, and not a good "karmic" move. New beginnings in the form of a relationship or marriage, will change life irrevocably. Sex life will be unbelievably beautiful, as ties of love bind you with an invisible "karmic" thread. A new friend comes across as someone who brings a lot of wisdom into your life. Family closeness thrives in February, July, August and December.
Money: A good year for both employed and self-employed Ariens. In February, avoid any long-term scheme that professes to triple your money in no time. May is especially profitable for those in media and IT industry. A contract is elusive in August. A raise in salary is possible in October. Considering a job change in November should be taken with a pinch of salt.
Career: For all Ariens, career will zoom ahead at a dizzying pace. Self-employed Ariens could consider diversifying the business. A work-related trip in March brings positive results. Keep confidence levels high in April. There is too much pending work in May. A colleague may try to usurp your position in June. There is good news in July. A slight setback in October will be worrying. Work towards a balance in November / December.
Health: Perfect health is possible by sticking to a healthy diet, exercising and avoiding stress. Late nights in January may create acidity. Avoid slipping back to old habits in March. A stomach infection in June can be avoided. A low feeling in August needs attention.
Your Karmic resolution: To consciously step back from situations you know are just not working out.
Uh Oh! Work through issues in January, March, April, October and November. Newly married Ariens could feel a little disappointed and let down by November.
Lucky you! A promotion or raise is possible after July. Be very careful about how you interact with your boss throughout the year.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
Love and sex: A "karmic" cycle of perfect understanding and unconditional love makes sure relationships continue to be warm, with total acceptance. Making several new friends will increase your social circle, and newly-married Taureans are eternally grateful for finding so much love. Quickly sort out a difference of opinion in March.
Money: A lucky financial year for Taureans, and this is earned thanks to being conscientious about your career. January to April is when the Universe bestows bounty on you, and by May you are financially very comfortable. Travel is revealed for July / August. Investing for the long-term is highlighted for September. Self-employed Taureans may feel a partnership is slightly shaky in February, but differences are sorted out by April. July is very strong for signing new contracts.
Career: It's a good year ahead, and this is "karmic" justice for hard working Taureans! Three projects / contracts will prove you are the best. Further studies is possible. Several work-related trips will be successful. A wish comes true in January. February requires hard work. A paying contract is signed in March. A legal contract is signed in May. A mutually beneficial partnership is possible in June. Recognition and praise is so good in July! Deal with jealousy maturely in August. Get ready to be inundated with work in December.
Health: Overworking in March may result in exhaustion. Take precautions to avoid a waterborne disease in May. Lack of sleep in July has to be dealt with immediately. Work pressures may cause stress in October. In general, Taurean men may feel a little run down in 2010, and women may have some gynecological issues that will have to be sorted out.
Your Karmic resolution: To wait patiently till the situation or scenario is clearer, instead of jumping to conclusions and creating "karmic" delays.
Uh Oh! Avoid being verbally impulsive in May and wait for the right time to speak, which is in June. Work plays spoilsport in December and you could be away from loved ones.
Lucky you! Single Taureans may meet that very special person in 2010. Sex continues to be sublime.

Gemini (May 21 - june 21)
Love and sex:
Relationships may seem good but beneath the surface, tricky unresolved issues (that are "karmic" in nature) may emerge repeatedly. Single Geminis may not be in the mood to give a commitment and those who are married might be in two minds about what to make of a situation which calls for immense diplomacy. Sex is either great or nowhere in the picture at all for several weeks at a time. A new relationship in June may skitter out of control and have an effect on the months to follow. Be careful of the tone used and words spoken in February, March, May, August, October and November.
Money: This year is better than the last, and stalled projects / ideas will move forward at a slightly alarming rate! Avoid being too blunt with an older man in January. Unexpected money or an investor stepping in to ease a slight cash crunch in April seems like a miracle. Money lent in May is best forgotten about. An unexpected raise in salary in July is a vindication (finally!). November and December are months to celebrate an increase in finance or
Career: A slow beginning could make you feel slightly anxious, but by February, you know there is no looking back. Work-related travel and several successful negotiations prove your worth once and for all. A colleague may (unsuccessfully) try to undermine or spread rumours about you around March / April. Travel for work in May, September, October, November and December brings new business. A raise in salary is possible any time after May.
Health: Bone and dental health needs attention in 2010. Focusing at getting back to an exercise routine is revealed for January. Do drink enough water in April. Try to stick to home-cooked food in May. In November, you may have to make time for rest to cope with a busy schedule.
Your Karmic resolution: To be realistic about achievements and let go of goals that seem unreachable for now.
Uh Oh! A new relationship in June may skitter out of control and have an effect on the months to follow.
Lucky you! Work-related travel and several successful negotiations prove your worth once and for all.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23)
Love and sex:
Acknowledge which relationships are good for you and which seem to drag in the communication area. Married Cancereans can look forward to a year of happiness and a new sort of camaraderie. Maintain this level of understanding by being diplomatic in April. Avoid making "platonic friends" of the opposite sex this year (if married or in a stable relationship). Friends rule in the first six months and then may drift off to deal with their own lives. In the last trimester, intentions being misunderstood, or a slight communication gap can be avoided.
Money: An overall improvement ends a feeling of financial insecurity, and being able to sleep peacefully at night is the result. Avoid getting tripped up with unexpected expenses in January. From April, begins a period of buying / selling immovable assets. A celebration in June may be because of a change of job. But keep within budget in December.
Career: You need to be alert at work (everyday) to deal with the fast moving "karmic" cycle of changes and rewards. January and February are deadline-filled and the boss is all praise for you in May. A job offer is revealed in February. Several projects in February, May, July, September and November take you to new destinations (could be overseas too). Avoid differences of opinion that could snowball into ego issues in August, September and October. By December, you are back to being the popular favourite at work.
Health: The respiratory system is highlighted by the Tarot. So, coughs and colds might be annoying. A health resolution is followed very religiously. Lack of sleep in March and April may make you feel lethargic. Fighting infections in June is revealed. Feeling low can be handled with a proper diet and exercise regime in July. Drink enough water in September. October, November and December require you to be aware of what your body is telling you.
Your Karmic resolution: To make time for leisure and refuse to get bogged down by real or imagined responsibilities.
Uh Oh! Differences of opinion could snowball into ego issues in August, September and October.
Lucky you! A job offer is revealed in February. Projects in February, May, July, September and November take you to new destinations.

Leo (July 24 - Aug 23)
Love and sex:
Leos in a secret relationship (a "karmic" connection) are treading dangerous waters in 2010. Unmarried Leos may try to be very patient and understanding, but may miss the wood for the trees. (Simplify your thinking, or just ask.) Family relationships and those with friends are slightly shaky, but sorted out immediately when the emotional distance increases. Sex life will be very exciting and adventurous. Relationships thrive in February, March, April, May, July and November. The others months require careful communication with your loved ones.
Money: Able to meet hidden challenges and negotiate skillfully, is what turns the "karmic" cycle of finance in your favour, though January and February seem to be slow-moving. March, April and May put your fears to rest, and by September, you can once again feel the sunshine on your face! Investments made in September will be sound, and November-December will witness a period of abundance and happiness.
Career: An overall view of career seems to be one which is headed in the right direction, but would also require patience and the ability to glide through January, May, June and December without feeling impatient. A job offer in February seems to be very tempting. Travel in March, April, August and November reveals a strong ability to close a deal / sign a contract / get a new client with good negotiation skills. A serious difference over strategy in August, could snowball into a major ego battle by September.
Health: In March and April, work stress may bring on headaches. Be careful of the water you drink in May. A vacation is an ideal option in July. Be careful of a slight injury to hands or feet. In December, be extra careful of what you eat.
Your Karmic resolution: To take each slow "karmic" cycle with equanimity and wisdom.
Uh Oh! The Tarot highlights diet, blood pressure and cholesterol levels; so do take care of all three.
Lucky you! Sex life will be exciting and adventurous. Relationships thrive in February, March, April, May, July and November.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sept 23)
Love and sex:
An attitude of compromise is better since your views will be quite different than the world's. Though relationships will be loving and supportive, a little extra effort will make a difference. Single Virgos may make two new friends and share super chemistry with them. By October, you will know exactly who the chosen one is. Your attitude towards sex has always been restrained, and having a sense of responsibility is a great turn on! Avoid overreacting in April, May and July. Walk away from a situation of emotional turmoil in February. Love is a source of strength in January, June, August, September, October and December.
Money: Behind the scenes "karmic" activity is making sure you receive what the Universe considers rightfully yours. The boss' decision in January begins the year on a positive note. An increase in salary is revealed for April. Business negotiations bring positive results in February, April, May, August, October and December. The year-end is a culmination of hard work and "karmic" justice is sweet.
Career: Career is all set to go through major changes for the better. All you need to do is continue to be diligent and conscientious. Virgos looking for a job change may have to wait for another two months. In March, you receive some good news which should have arrived around mid-2009. Work travel is revealed for March, May, July, September and December. An offer of a temporary transfer is quite tempting in July. Negotiations for further business deals are positive for March, May, August, October and November. Being surrounded by hidden enemies in September, November and December will bring changes.
Health: Virgos need to continue to follow a healthy diet that includes a lot of roughage. Treat joint pain promptly. Drink plenty of water in January. A stomach infection in March can be avoided. Try to eat only home-cooked food in May. A cough and cold suddenly comes up in June. A digestive problem may surface in September, November and December.
Your Karmic resolution: To follow your intuition, particularly when it nudges you not to trust a person or a situation.
Uh Oh! Being surrounded by hidden enemies in September, November and December will bring changes.
Lucky you! Consider buying a vehicle after August. Several short holidays are possible in February, May, June, August or December.

Libra (Sept 24 - Oct 22)
Love and sex:
Having worked towards balancing out complex family equations, you are so much more at peace. Love is a constant factor and you feel intensely fulfilled and at peace with yourself. Sex is fun and intensifies the "karmic" connection. You are too preoccupied with work in May, June, July and December. Enjoy family holidays in March, May, October and November.
Money: A family business would revive and begin to register profits almost immediately. This year, you plan to build financial security for the long term, and will be hugely successful. April is auspicious for a second source of income or diversification. A raise in salary after August is the good news and now regular increases are revealed. May is the turning point and gradually financial goals are reached.
Career: Slightly rough patches will smoothen out easily, provided you take help from other people (but you need to offer help too). Important advice from a senior comes in January and October. May is celebration time and June-July validate self confidence. A "karmic" cycle of success begins in July. Travel for work is revealed for May, June, July, November and December. Avoid getting emotionally involved with a co-worker in May and December.
Health: Librans may be faced with frequent issues related to kidneys; which gets manifested in January. Diabetics also need to be extra cautious about their diet and exercise programme. In May, you may have to fight infections. Keep blood pressure under check in June. There may be general exhaution in July. A digestive problem may appear in September. Avoid overtiring yourself in November.
Your Karmic resolution: To walk away from "loser" relationships and situations that you worked at, but are eventually pointless.
Uh Oh! A loss (theft) is revealed for June, and then again, losing something valuable is a possibility in October. Lucky you! Beware of feeling inexplicably jealous in April, June and October.
A new job offer is tempting in April, and self-employed Librans may sign a lucrative contract. Lucky months for new deals are January, May, June and July.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 22)
Love and sex:
The ability to maintain this balance and keep everyone happy (or almost everyone) will be at times easy, sometimes difficult. But your smile remains intact. Love comes unexpectedly as your eyes scan the room. And now, your life is complete. Sex continues to be enjoyable and a need you cannot ignore or wish away. January, April, May, June, September and December are great months. The famous Scorpio temper and whiplash tongue flowers in February, March, July and November. "Karmic" justice is yours in October.
Money: Most Scorpios have the tendency to look ahead and plan for the future, and this is what brings a sense of security. A financial backer may step in if you need help in February. Avoid lending money in March, August, September and October. Self-employed Scorpios will see a forward movement from April. A financial enquiry will be sorted out in June / July. Trying to rush signing a new contract in December may actually work to your disadvantage because of visible anxiety; your negotiating power is lessened.
Career: Though career may be slightly slow initially, you will experience a sense of achievement. Dealing with too much work and tight deadlines in January, February and March brings the required balance. July and October may require adjusting career timings. Expect good news in August and December.
Health: Treat infections immediately and keep blood pressure and cholesterol under check. Modify your diet (according to medical advice) from February. Protect yourself from a waterborne diseases in May, and monsoon-related ailments in July / August. Follow a strict diet in September.
Your Karmic resolution: To believe you are stronger than you think and to draw family closer to you.
Uh Oh! Balancing family responsibilities and career may be slightly tricky, since the former will increase. After a hectic period, you may feel tired in January.
Lucky you! May and June are easier on the nerves and energy. Expect good news in August and December.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 22)
Love and sex:
Going out of your way to be nicer to family and loved ones will be the signature tune in 2010. Circumstances might be such that your good intentions will be shaken at times, but faith will remain strong.u00a0 Sex life seems to be slightly less important in the first half of the year. Exercise tact and patience in January, February, March, May, June and July. Wishes comes true in April. Being away in August brings a new perspective. Be restrained yet loving in December.
Money: There is an improvement in finances, but unexpected expenses crop up too. But being grateful to the Universe for regular income will help bring a balance. January begins in an auspicious way with good news coming your way. Parents will have financial advice to give in March, April and May. Sagittarians looking for a job would receive news after July. Unexpected expenses cease in August, September and October. Finances reach a point of balance in November.
Career: Sagittarians would have to aggressively pursue their goals this year, even though "karmic" movement seems to jog along smoothly. Be careful of what you say, and your body language in July, August and September. Being forced to make a decision in November/December brings certain truths to the fore, and is a learning experience too.
Health: Bone and joint pains may be an issue in 2010. Do treat a kidney infection in January promptly. Sourcing various medical opinions before agreeing to a small surgery in April is a good idea. Fight dehydration in June. Exercising too much in December may create joint problems or result in muscles being overused.
Your Karmic resolution: To willingly give and pay off "karmic" debts in this lifetime.
Uh Oh! Love might be slightly stressful since important decisions have to be taken, and some issues are quite delicate.
Lucky you! June is when the planets re-align into auspicious formations, and all the hard work pays off.

Capricorn (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
Love and sex:
In 2010, you will be able to bring a closure to unwanted relationships and strengthen those which are important. Family relationships might go through a slight period of turmoil, but will be resolved soon. Love will be so close, yet so far. But if in a stable relationship (or married), then 2010 is very positive. Sex life
will be good, but you may be more concerned with settling unanswered issues. Avoid acting on a feeling of having been betrayed in January. Love is strong in April, May, September, October and December. A holiday together inu00a0 March, October and December will bring you so much closer.
Money: An improvement on last year is revealed, but if payments get held up regularly, then remember it is only because of a slow "karmic" cycle. Delays in payments received are possible in January, March, April, July and August. Be careful of money and
valuables in July. If you are looking for a change of job, the period from October onwards is auspicious.
Career: Acting on career decisions and being willing to take up additional responsibilities will be the main focus in 2010. Self-employed Capricorns enter a positive "karmic" cycle from May and, except for September, the rest of the year is good. Travel for work in May, July, August, November and December will bring expected results. Achieving goals will give you a high.
Health: Allergies and skin-related problems may begin as early as January. Avoid excessive sunbathing in April, which could bring on dehydration. Sprinkle some medicated powder on your feet in April in case of excessive perspiration. A food allergy is possible in July, and an allergy due to pollution (a cold and cough), in September .
Your Karmic resolution: To flow unresistingly in each "karmic" cycle, even if it seems to be leading you to new beginnings.
Uh Oh! Not seeing eye-to-eye with a senior in office, could reach proportions which may be slightly alarming,
so damage control will be necessary by March.
Lucky you! An abundance of money being received is revealed for February and November. A raise in salary is expected in February or September.

Aquarius (Jan 21 - Feb 19)
Love and sex:
Being so involved in a relationship, you will do everything in your power to keep it just so, is revealed. A new relationship may be tempting, but be aware of responsibilities. Family closeness is just rightu00a0-- not too close for comfort and not distant either. Sex life is intense, but can be detached sometimes. Avoid being too clinical in January, March, May, September and November. A change for the better is revealed in March. Be supportive of your partner in June, August and September. A holiday binds you two together in October and December.
Money: Overall, a good year financially, but held up payments may strain your patience. Money from sale of property is possible after June. A
celebration in November would be an unexpected expense.
Career: Though the drive to succeed exists, it might seem like an uphill task in the first four months. That there is little or no encouragement from the boss should be seen as a challenge. Avoid arguments in February, June and July, which may escalate into a situation where you have to put in your papers. March, July and October are very lucky for self-employed Aquarians. If looking for a job, May could be the turning point. Successful negotiations will be carried out in March, May, July and October. Travelling for business may not bring immediate results and you may have to be persevering.
Health: Maintaining a balance between work, exercise and relaxation will be the main focus in 2010, and this will become evident in March. Stress may take a toll in April. Fighting to maintain the balance in May will bring positive results. Treat high blood
pressure immediately in October. In November and December, Aquarians will be happy to have managed a
balance in the three areas mentioned at the beginning.
Your Karmic resolution: To have a plan of action in place when life sends one of its surprises over a short period.
Uh Oh! Avoid arguments in February, June and July, which may escalate into a situation where you have to put in your papers.
Lucky you! A project which pays well could begin in April and August. By September, you are feeling quite satisfied with financial earnings and can even make some long-term investments.

Pisces (Feb 20 - March 20)
Love and sex:
Making a choice and opting for family will be a good "karmic" decision and this begins a positive movement in life. Relationship with your partner may be on a slow roller coaster as you try to re-negotiate certain issues. Sex life may be very exciting or something you just look forward to! Insist on your point of view in January, March and September. Love thrives in February, April, May, October and November. There is a maddening air of detachment in July, September and December. Being practical is easier in August.
Money: The ratio between work input and finance will balance out in just the right manner and 2010 would be the turning point for long-term financial security. Do pay income tax on time in March, to avoid trouble later. Unseen "karmic" vibrations begin a time of financial security from January; this continues till the end of February, when legalities are completed. An alternate source of income is revealed May onwards. Profits will be visible from June, and the graph continues to move upward till November.
An unexpected expense is revealed in December.
Career: Dealing with some more responsibility at work and meeting challenges superbly is a vindication of your concentration and ambition. But don't be impulsive about going back to a job you had left in either January, June or August. Dealing with envy in July, August and September will be a lesson in diplomacy. Cruising through October, November and December is "karmic" justice.
Health: The respiratory system is highlighted, and slight discomfort while breathing may be experienced in January. Avoid visiting a country with a cold climate in March. Have your eyes checked if you face frequent headaches in May. In July, lack of sleep may be due to work stress. Avoid travelling in October. You may catch an allergy or cold in November / December.
Your Karmic resolution: To accept changed circumstances, emotions, situations, etc., without getting attached to the final outcome.
Uh Oh! An unexpected expense is revealed in December. Relationship with your partner may be on a slow roller coaster as you try to re-negotiate certain issues.
Lucky you! February, March and April are dream-come-true months; you just can't stop smiling! A holiday in June will rejuvenate you.

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