Erich From has said "I am convinced that boredom is one of the greatest tortures. If I were to imagine hell, it would be the place where you were continually bored
Erich From has said "I am convinced that boredom is one of the greatest tortures. If I were to imagine hell, it would be the place where you were continually bored." How many of us have endured that torture when you feel tied to your office desk and either don't have any pending work or are just too fed up to think of anything work related.
Boar to death: Indulge yourself in some fun or productive activity rather
than just looking at the clock
Everyone needs to take a break from the monotony of work. After doing so, try and focus on other things for a bit to give your mind and body some time off. Here are some things you can do while at work, in your leisure time or when you need a break:
*u00a0Update your profile: This could be on your social networking site or on the headhunting sites where you have posted your resume. It also won't be a bad idea to scout around for jobs that require your particular skill sets. If you maintain a blog, use your free time to write on your favourite topic.
*u00a0De-clutter your work space: Put your time to some useful activity, clean out your desk. Remove old notes and Post-its from around your cubicle.
*u00a0Meditate: Pick up some meditative habits like Pranayam or Vipasana and take a mental break. Play some soothing music on your headphones if that helps you to centre yourself.
*u00a0Read up: This could be a fictional book or something online that helps you to educate yourself.
*u00a0Improve your skills: If you want to brush up on some software skills, your free time offers you the opportunity to do it -- Photoshop, PowerPoint... are some of the softwares whose expertise is always useful.
*u00a0Pursue a hobby: Obviously we are not talking about golf or building model aircraft...but something simple like origami works at your desk. Else, you could catch up on doing research on your hobby that will help you master it when you are out of the office.
*u00a0Exercise: There are some excellent stretching and Yoga exercises that can be done at your desk itself and are great for relieving any pent up tension and make you feel fresh.
*u00a0Catch up with friends: Most busy professionals barely have any time to keep in touch with friends. Your time off in the office is perfect for catching up, making plans and networking.
*u00a0Complete an errand: This could be planning dinner, filling out your tax returns or even booking tickets for your vacation. Tick off thing from your 'to do list'.
*u00a0Gaming: A great stress buster is to play games -- solitaire, Sudoku, minesweeper... just some of the options. Try and avoid games that cause too much excitement --Mortal Combat, Prince of Persia, since you obviously don't want to attract the boss's attention!Whatever you do, ensure that you are not taking time off at the expense of a deadline or that your boss is not going to chew you out while you are otherwise occupied!