A lynx is released from its cage into the wild, in Kaiserlautern, western Germany
lynx released in the wild
A lynx is released from its cage into the wild, in Kaiserlautern, western Germany.
Three lynxes were released in this area. One male named Lucky, one year old, and two females Luna, 5 and Kaja, 3.
A lynx is any of the four species within the Lynx genus of medium-sized wild cats, which includes the bobcat. It's name is derived from the Indo-European root leuk, which means light or brightness, in reference to the luminescence of its reflective eyes.
There are 4 species of lynxes namely - Eurasian, Canada, Iberian and Bobcat. It's usually a solitary animal, although a small group of lynx may travel and hunt together occasionally. Mating takes place in the late winter and once a year the female gives birth to between one and four kittens.
The lynx creates its den in crevices or under ledges and feeds on a wide range of animals from white-tailed deer, reindeer, roe deer, small red deer, and chamois, to smaller, more usual prey: snowshoe hares, fish, foxes, sheep, squirrels, mice, turkeys and other birds, and goats. It also eats ptarmigans, voles, and grouse.