Dear Diana, I'm not ashamed of being gay. The only trouble is that I'm having nothing but unsuccessful relationships in the past two years.
I’m 29 and financially sound too but then, what’s the point of being well off and still be heart-broken all the time? I’m not sure why I always get dumped by my lovers. It follows the same trail: We meet, share a drink, fall in love, have sex and then after repeating the routine for several times, the guy leaves me for good. I think of myself as an engaging person but obviously others don’t.
— Nigel
Dear Nigel,
You have yourself to blame as you seem to be repeating the same mistake with every partner. Next time tread with caution and there is no need to go all out in the first meeting itself. May be by being extra nice, you are putting people off. Start going out with friends and enjoying yourself without any agenda of finding a lover. If you find a partner who doesn’t care for your feelings, dump him and move on as he was not worthy of your love. You seem to be hellbent on finding a partner, so whoever you meet you feel it is for keeps. But have you ever wondered if the other person is interested? Try being alone for a while. Solitude can be bliss too.