A small US-based start-up has designed a novel bra, that has a side pocket for storing your debit card, ID and phone irrespective of bust size
The designers of the marsupial-inspired bra call it a “sexy, yet functional pocketed bra that will allow you to leave your purse behind and hit the dance floor without ever having to worry about the safety of your valuables.”
Pockets are placed within an easy, suitable reach.
Additionally, JoeyBra’s website claims “Our unique design will hold most cellphones, ID, key and other small items regardless of bust size - no amount of items will change the way your bra fits you.”
The bra is the brainchild of Mariah Gentry and Kyle Bartlow, students in the Foster School of Business program at the University of Washington, according to news reports.
The product is set to go on sale at university’s book store in June.