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Mumbai Crime: Four held for betting on horse races in Kolkata

Updated on: 05 February,2021 08:38 AM IST  |  Mumbai

At the time of the raid, all the accused were busy placing bets and watching the race on their laptops through YouTube, an official said

Mumbai Crime: Four held for betting on horse races in Kolkata

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Four persons were arrested from Matunga in central Mumbai for allegedly operating a betting racket on horse races in Kolkata, a police official said on Thursday.

The arrest was made by the Mumbai police''s crime branch following a raid conducted on Wednesday, he said.

"Based on specific information, officials of unit-3 of the crime branch raided a flat on Senapati Bapat Road in Matunga West, where four persons were found placing bets on the horse races in Kolkata," an official said.

At the time of the raid, all the accused were busy placing bets and watching the race on their laptops through YouTube, he said.

"One of the accused was taking bets on his mobile phone and also maintained the record on his laptop. The crime branch team apprehended them after their interrogation," he said.

Three laptops, 10 mobile phones and other equipment collectively worth Rs 2.5 lakh were seized from the spot, he said, adding that a search has been launched to trace the other members of the racket. 

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