Wondering what's in store for you today? Well, we have you covered. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Shirley Bose
Do you know what the stars hold for you in terms of love life, career, business and personal wellness today? Well, read on to know your astrological predictions as per your zodiac sign for May 11.
March 21 – April 20
You don’t expect very much to happen after this business trip, so are pleasantly surprised at the outcome.
Cosmic tip: Count your blessings. This helps balance reality with imagined slights.
April 21 – May 20
Be aware of cleverly worded covert restrictions being placed on you. Nix them immediately. Do get enough sleep.
Cosmic tip: Work towards preserving this excellent rapport with older family members.
May 21 – June 21
A new project requires minute, patient study, making a notation of many points to keep in mind.
Cosmic tip: Accept the relationship for what it is without having irrational expectations.
Also Read: Weekly horoscope: Check astrological predictions for all zodiac signs
June 22 – July 23
Don’t slip up on sweet words and ego massaging. There’s an ulterior motive. The truth is revealed very, very gradually.
Cosmic tip: Appreciate familial solidarity, no matter what happens.
July 24 - Aug 23
Be careful with money, valuables and documents. Maintain health with 4 points. Diet. Exercise. Down-time. Enough sleep.
Cosmic tip: Keep positive karma tranquil and peaceful. Just do your duty.
Aug 24 – Sept 23
Make the first move for a cease-fire with an ex-friend. Friendship may be different now. Don’t have expectations.
Cosmic tip: Ask yourself if it’s worth holding onto past anger/ slights
Sept 24 – Oct 22
Receiving an inheritance/ legacy is a surprise. Make time to visit an unwell friend (illness shouldn’t be contagious.
Cosmic tip: Think what’s missing in life to bring a proper balance.
Oct 23 – Nov 22
This is a positive cycle for entrepreneurs, especially the artistically inclined. Make a choice between four options.
Cosmic tip: Control reactions. Don’t allow yourself to be backed into an emotional corner.
Nov 23 – Dec 22
A trip ends a karmic cycle sensibly. Health is good.
Cosmic tip: Be mentally prepared for a different reaction when pursuing a difference of opinion best left to the archives.
Dec 23 – Jan 20
Some choose between a temporary transfer versus relocation to another city. Clear up negative karmic smudges as you go along in life.
Cosmic tip: Choose not to become a target for trolls.
Jan 21 – Feb 19
Wisely keep out of an argument between two friends. It will be forgotten by sunrise.
Cosmic tip: Keep expectations realistic- if you must nurture them. Ideally, just allow life to unfold.
Feb 20 – March 20
Self-employed Pisceans need some extra bureaucratic clearances before the project can begin. Singles enter an engagement/ marriage dasha.
Cosmic tip: Take the next logical action about a property matter.