I have recently finished working on Ryan Murphy's film Eat, Love and Pray with actor Julia Roberts
Iu00a0have recently finished working on Ryan Murphy's film Eat, Love and Pray with actor Julia Roberts. I have choreographed a marriage sequence in a village for the movie. I am glad I got the opportunity to work with Julia. Despite being a famous celebrity, she is one of the sweetest people and definitely the prettiest woman I have met.
I am also busy working on Eve Ensler'su00a0 I Am An Emotional Creature: The Secret Lives of Girls Around the World, which is scheduled to premiere on November 12. That is definitely on my mind, as it's a challenge to get a cast of non-dancers who are excellent performers to dance to rhythm.u00a0 I am also looking forward to touring London for the promotion and premiere of Bollywood Bob, a children's film.