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Make the most of 2024 with this exclusive tarot forecast

Updated on: 31 December,2023 03:56 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Aparna Bose |

The good, the not-so-good, what’s in store, and how to make the most of the next 12 months. Aparna Bose presents the annual tarot forecast exclusively for Sunday mid-day

Make the most of 2024 with this exclusive tarot forecast

Aparna Bose

Aries Aries 
March 21 – April 19
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Those with unstable finances, or those who tend to spend more than they should need to be extra disciplined with. Relationships will improve if you approach them with a patient attitude, and a willingness to look at others’ perspectives. This is a positive time if you want to study or relocate abroad, but make sure you have all the paperwork in place. Singles looking for an arranged match should keep an open mind, and look beyond physical appearance. Older Arians need to take a little extra care of their health and consider wellness from a holistic point of view. 

LOOK TO CHANGE The way you communicate, especially if you are emotionally wound up—you may have certain expectations from people that are at odds with what they want to do, or are capable of doing. Stop yourself from giving in to anger, and change your approach to challenges–you should think your next move through carefully. Try not to look at situations from a ‘black or white’ perspective; be willing to acknowledge the grey  space that is unavoidable.

LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Shine bright and be an inspiration to others around you. But don’t be egotistical about it. Your ability to get to the point can be a superpower if you use it along with compassion and a willingness to be gentle. Gather allies, rather than make enemies, and try to collaborate with people rather than doing it all on your own. Learn from the past, and make choices that are appropriate; don’t act from fear.

LOOK FORWARD TO A changed perspective which would give you a wider choice of options than you thought possible. Any relationships that are challenging can improve if you are willing to accept your part and do what is needed to heal the equation. Your intuition will be stronger than ever this year, especially if you listen to it when it guides you do something you do not want to. Challenges will be overcome more easily if you approach them with the right mindset.

WORDS FROM THE WISE Focus on creativity and looking at situations from multiple perspectives. Let change flow and happen instead of trying to resist it or guide it in the way you feel is right. Let your ambitions align with what is actually right and for the good of all, and you will find life taking on an even more meaningful path. Do not give up—continue to move forward even if the journey seems difficult or unachievable.

Taurus Taurus 
April 20 – May 20
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Those up for a promotion should be ready to take on increased responsibilities and micro-manage their time. Try to stay away from legal complications as far as possible, as they will create way too much stress. Relationships would be peaceful for the most part, but you might pull away from some friendships that no longer resonate with you. Focus on your health, and be disciplined about your lifestyle choices.

LOOK TO CHANGE The way you approach situations if your normal way isn’t working out or if a situation needs to change. Those with a career that requires hard work might want to look at ways to work smarter and use their time efficiently. Try and avoid unnecessary spending, even if you are doing well financially, and focus more on stable investments. Take charge of yourself and your moods whenever you find yourself wanting to give in to lethargy.

LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Reinvent yourself and let go of what is no longer necessary. Use the legendary Taurus determination to improve your life without taking the easy way out. The road ahead may be challenging and seem long, but a slow and steady pace will get you to your goals. Do not be afraid to shine and be your best, even if you don’t like the attention it attracts. Those with a strong social network should leverage their contacts— be willing to hustle!

LOOK FORWARD TO Increased income if you are willing to put in the work needed. A better grip on your finances/investments is possible if you are disciplined about it, and willing to make some sacrifices in the short term. Handling any kind of confrontation will be easier as you would be better able to keep calm and engage with the other person in an appropriate manner. Those who want to plan a child/conceive are in a positive phase.

WORDS FROM THE WISE There are times when we can fall into the rut of doing and existing and forget to live. Though this may feel comfortable, there is no growth or joy in living like this. Try instead to fill your life with what allows you to live fully, and cherish every moment. What you love from the soul is a huge catalyst to spiritual growth—there is no rule that says life needs to be dull in order to be meaningful. Step out of your comfort zone and dare to improve yourself.

Gemini Gemini 
May 21 – June 20
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Be mindful about spending, and whom you trust for investment advice. Be alert to make the most of opportunities, and let go of what you need to. Older Geminis who are dealing with a chronic ailment need to take a little extra care of themselves. Do not neglect your home and family just because you think you are too busy. Singles might want to put themselves out there a little more, and not get stressed about finding the one.

LOOK TO CHANGE Balance your emotions with your logical side–both have their value, but don’t let them get so mixed up that you change your view constantly. Those who spend the majority of their time working should try to factor in regular time off. Approach equations at home in a different manner if the way you handle conflict is not working. Ignoring issues will not make them go away.

LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Walk away from habits that are not good for you. A little bit of discipline will go a long way if you have goals that you want to achieve, even if the process may feel slow. Anything you want to build may take a little extra conscious effort this year from your end. Your family can be a source of strength and support if you allow them to, and listen to their inputs.

LOOK FORWARD TO A better handle on finances, and an understanding of what has not worked in the past. Communication both, in professional and personal life would improve if you make it a point to actively listen to what the other person has to say. Well-considered and well-chosen risks will  pay off and you may get more than a few opportunities to take a chance on something different or even out of character. 

WORDS FROM THE WISE Move away from the rapid pace of life if you feel overwhelmed, and take time to mentally ground yourself and tune in to your intuition. Remember what is important in life and let go of everything else. Take a look at what you might have passed over previously, and remember that things may not be exactly as they seem. Keep your heart open even if you do not have all the answers yet; move forward with faith.

Cancer Cancer 
June 21 – July 22
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Look at taking your career to the next level with a thought-out plan of action. Though this is a positive time for finances, you need to have all the relevant information, terms and conditions clear in your mind before making any large investments. Singles should avoid getting involved with someone who is committed elsewhere. Leverage your personal and professional network to your advantage. Pay attention to your health, but try not to get obsessed about achieving a ‘look’.

LOOK TO CHANGE How you deal with challenging and complex relationships and friendships. Acknowledge your part in any drama, and be very clear not to encourage it. Those with a difficult boss or senior need to handle the person in a calm manner without letting their ego get in the way. Look at the options you have while making decisions, instead of reacting. Do not be afraid to be the centre of attention.

LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Learn from the past, and look at the smaller details that affect situations. The key to success may be something that’s seemingly minor and simple. Your emotions can be your strength if you use them appropriately and in a timely manner. Notice what gives you genuine vitality and feed into it in an extremely conscious manner. Those with a mentor who is also senior will be able to benefit immensely from the person’s wisdom.

LOOK FORWARD TO Small opportunities, and the ability to maintain your focus when you need to. Your social and professional network can grow if you put in the work needed. Lean in to what you know, and use that to reach your goals. Small glitches will be handled relatively easily as long as you are clear about what you want to achieve. Any family inheritance of property matter can get sorted if you are realistic and sensible about what is possible.

WORDS FROM THE WISE Gratitude expands joy, and allows healing at a profound and deep level. Standing up for yourself is important, especially in moments where you can’t see the path ahead clearly. Instead of getting stressed, celebrate the fact that you are growing by leaps and bounds. Remember that abundance comes in many forms, not just through money and possessions. Recognise when you are trapped in the past, and let go of old ways of thinking about yourself and how you deal with situations.

July 23 – Aug 22
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Focus on making steady and secure investments, and do not take on a loan you would have difficulty paying back. Those who want to learn a new skill or upgrade a current one must ensure they find the right teacher/mentor. Your social life might be a little more active than usual, and you might have to say no to invitations. Those facing challenges in conceiving might need to take medical help.

LOOK TO CHANGE How you handle situations or relationships that are in limbo, or not moving in the manner you might like. Remember that every choice you make influences the way in which situations unfold, and you might want to take a look at habits that are not helping you get ahead. Those who over-rely on friends might want to consider becoming a little independent of them. Change your financial habits if you constantly find yourself strapped for money.

LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Bounce back from setbacks, and make the best use of challenges to become more resilient. Get down to the essentials and what really matters. Make the most of small opportunities, and look at long term pros and cons of situations with clarity, especially if the result is not something you want to see. Your professional network, even if strong, needs to be leveraged in a well thought out manner to make it work to your advantage.  

LOOK FORWARD TO Disciplined and focused work paying off, and the ability to handle challenges and competitors in a much more effective manner. You would find other people responding to you even more positively if you pay attention to how you communicate.  A situation that has its roots in the past can get resolved if you are willing to let go of whatever it is you need to. Clarity in thought would lead to clarity in action.

WORDS FROM THE WISE A willingness to learn and grow beyond the past is a sign of wisdom–be willing to look at the parts of your psyche that stop you from being the best version of yourself, and work on them with sincere dedication. If you can’t find a clear goal, remember that you do not always need to know where you are going, and accept the fact that the journey can be sometimes long winded. Just keep moving forward.

Virgo Virgo 
August 23 – September 22
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Stay focused on creating financial stability and steady growth, and have an investment plan firmly in place. This is a positive time for self-employed professionals and businesspersons, where concerted effort will pay off. Singles could meet someone very interesting, and those in a committed relationship might want to take it to the next level. Be very careful with property matters, as you could get misled if you don’t know the rules or lack the paperwork needed. Take a little extra care of your health.

LOOK TO CHANGE Your communication style if you tend to be too blunt and ‘honest’. Let go of the need for attention or validation from others, especially if you have a career that puts you in the spotlight. Those who have a very traditional outlook will benefit by keeping an open mind and accepting that opposing viewpoints could have some validity. Remember that outward beauty can be misleading and shallow. Be willing to let go of short-term gains and focus on long-term goals.

LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Gain a position of seniority or a certain amount of power if you are willing to put yourself out there and take the responsibilities that come with it. Decisions will be easier to make if you have clarity about the choices you have and the consequences of each one, and also let go of whatever form the past is holding you back. Your social network can expand if you want, provided you are willing to keep an open mind.

LOOK FORWARD TO Stronger equations with the people who really matter. Challenging situations can be sorted out if you are willing to employ clarity. Those with specific life and career goals would be able to move forward towards them with a renewed sense of purpose. Balancing between sticking to a budget, and splurging will not be as tough as you imagine as long as you remain disciplined.

WORDS FROM THE WISE Strength comes from inside out. Though the burden may feel heavy at times, you are completely capable of standing in your own power. The challenges you have faced have only made you stronger. Remember who you are from within, and look beneath the surface to find the multiple blessings in your life. Take action in the direction of your dreams and open yourself to the abundance that flows to you. Be willing to accept assistance when you need it.

Libra Libra 
September 23 – October 22
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Timing will be important while making any financial decisions, and you would have the opportunity to build on past investments. Work on getting even better at soft skills and people management at work, but stay away from gossip and groupism as far as possible. Home and close friendships will be in focus, and any challenging equations will need to be handled in a sensitive yet firm manner. Be patient about any lifestyle changes you plan to implement.

LOOK TO CHANGE Your perceptions, and how you deal with challenges you face. Those who find it difficult to save and invest might need to make drastic changes in lifestyle and spending habits. Push yourself out of any comfort zone you might find yourself in, and do not be afraid to challenge yourself. Those who are finding their way out of a complex situation need to let go of the past and look forward to the future

LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Understand the innate gifts and talents you possess and level up to a greater maturity and sense of responsibility. Your ability to find balanced solutions can be a superpower if you handle it correctly. Look for small ways in which to improve any challenging situations you find yourself in, especially if you have to deal with extremely competitive people. Your personal and professional network can be a huge advantage if you know how to use your contacts correctly without being manipulative.  

LOOK FORWARD TO Stability and sustainable progress if you make the right choices and keep your ego out of the equation. You should be able to work smarter instead of working harder. Any new ideas will work out as long as you act in a timely manner and keep the momentum going. Endings would be an opportunity for something better to come your way. Clarity in thought will help you make better decisions.

WORDS FROM THE WISE Go slowly when you find the path challenging, keeping yourself focused. Do not be in a hurry; let situations emerge in time. You will be able to achieve your goals if you take the time to look at all the options and move forward accordingly. Do not get bogged down by petty details; look at the larger picture. Keep your focus on what is truly important, and let go of what is not.

Scorpio Scorpio 
October 23 - November 22
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Your finances are in focus this year and it will serve you well to be mindful with expenses and not waste money on non-essentials. Make sure you keep regular investments going, even if they are small amounts. Handle differences of opinion at home in a practical rather than emotional manner, and do not get caught up in wanting to have the last word. Those with any chronic ailment need to take very good care of themselves even if it means making a drastic change in food and lifestyle habits.

LOOK TO CHANGE How you handle challenges and disappointments—do not slip into self-doubt or self-pity; instead, stretch yourself more than you think you can. Cultivate healthy habits if you tend to be extreme in your diet or fitness routine. Be willing to cut your losses when you need to, instead of holding onto a situation you feel should go your way. Count your blessings in moments when you feel you are lost, and you will realise that you do have much to be grateful for.

LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Communicate effectively, especially when you are feeling extremely agitated. Remember that you can say what you need to in a calm manner and get your point across regardless. You can take on any challenge as long as you keep a cool head. Learn from the past, and make conscious decisions based on the wisdom of experience. Use restlessness you may experience to create and expand your horizons

LOOK FORWARD TO A clearer ability to see the choices you are presented with, and make informed decisions after thinking through the repercussions of each one. There may be times when going back to basics will give you the mind space to make small but needed changes. Think about where you would like to be in the next 10 years, and let the answer be your guide. Your equations with people who matter can deepen if you make the effort to really connect with them.

WORDS FROM THE WISE Focus on what is important in life and let the rest go. Be present in the moment instead of worrying about the future or rehashing the past. Remember that things are not always as they seem, and we do not need to know the reason why certain things happen the way they do. You might find some valuable truths if you look beneath the surface. Abundance can come in many forms, not just the ones you imagine.

Sagittarius Sagittarius 
November 21-December 21
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Learn new ways to handle finances if your current strategy is not working as well as you would like it to. Be mindful about whom you trust, and do not give into emotional manipulation from friends or relatives. Follow organisational protocol while dealing with bosses, seniors and clients. Older Sagittarians might need to focus on their health, especially if they have inherited a chronic illness from a parent.

LOOK TO CHANGE How you perceive challenges, especially those you have brought on yourself! Take a close look at your communication style, and consciously try and more effective both, in personal as well as professional communication. Any commitments, no matter how small, should be respected and adhered to. Those with challenging relationships with family members might want to change their approach to handling situations, and try to diffuse quarrels before things get too heated.

LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Widen your horizons, while firmly building a foundation. The choices you have before you can actually be empowering, since you will have greater clarity if you have understood and learnt from the past. Use your social and professional network with care; understand peoples’ motives because it will help you leverage your connections in the most effective manner. Build relationships that will help you make the changes you need to and achieve your goals.

LOOK FORWARD TO Clarity about who your real friends are, and the ability to navigate complex equations more effectively. Those with multiple responsibilities should be able to manage them comparatively easily. Your social life can improve if you want it to—just do not expect too much from people. Singles are in a positive phase, and should have options to choose from, especially if they are looking for a match online.

WORDS FROM THE WISE Limiting yourself to the past would only slow down any progress you want to make. You are capable of so much more than you think —all that is needed is a shift of focus. Accept what did not work in the past, and resolve to learn from it so that you do not repeat old patterns. You can rise like a phoenix if you choose to. Keep going forward with clarity and a better understanding of situations.

Capricorn Capricorn 
December 22-January 19
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Handle finances intelligently, especially if you tend to juggle with investments or play the stock market. Identify road blocks before deciding if you want to cut your losses and move out. This is a positive time for singles looking for an arranged match, but you do need to carry out due diligence before making a decision. Make sure you consult the right practitioner if you are visiting a doctor about a chronic health issue.

LOOK TO CHANGE Old and outdated ways of handling situations if they no longer yield the results you want. Keep an open mind and be willing to dig below the surface instead of accepting things at face value. Be disciplined if you have to make lifestyle changes because of a chronic health concern, and do not let laziness or gluttony get the better of you. Be willing to make an effort when doing things the ‘right way’.

LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Better equations, especially with the boss and people in authority. A little use of soft skills, and an understanding of how to say what you need to will go a long way. Take decisive action when you need to, without getting aggressive unless it is warranted. Right timing is also essential. Any challenges you face will be a catalyst for growth, and you will find yourself capable of much more than you think you are.

LOOK FORWARD TO Help from a mentor if you need it, and timely advice that is practical and effective. Whatever you do will expand, so taken action in the right direction and it will lead to success and growth. This, however, may mean taking the challenging route. Close relationships and friendships can deepen if you pay attention to how you communicate and express yourself in general. Choices in general would be clearer and you would have the information you need to make important decisions.

WORDS FROM THE WISE Slow down and reflect whenever you find yourself staring at an impasse. Be willing to pivot and change course if necessary; do not wait passively for situations to change. Do not resist change, let it flow and happen. Focus on your innate creativity and allow it to grow and flourish. It may take time to change old patterns of thought and behaviour, but it can be done if it is something you really want.

Aquarius Aquarius 
January 20-February 18
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Make it a point to stick to an investment plan even if it means ruthlessly cutting back on unnecessary expenses. Those in an organisation that has a large hierarchical structure might need to handle their equation with the super boss very carefully—do not antagonise your boss. Listen to your intuition and do not allow yourself to get manipulated into situations that actually have nothing to do with you or could put you into a difficult position.

LOOK TO CHANGE Small habits that you know are not good for you. Those with a busy social life might need to make extra effort to find a balance between socialising and making time for themselves. Be wiling to let go of what you need to, and do not try to control the way people you care about behave. Those facing a challenging situation at home need to be very mindful about the choices and decisions they make.

LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Create a structure that supports you and helps you achieve your goals. Support those who need help, and learn from their experiences. Put in your very best, even in situations you find uncomfortable. Look for opportunities that other people cannot see—experience from the past will help you immensely. Your inner monitor that flags off people who can’t be trusted should be reliable and you will be able to understand peoples’ motives clearly and make decisions accordingly.

LOOK FORWARD TO An improved ability to see the options you have with clarity and take decisive action whenever needed. You will be better able to handle multiple responsibilities, and give every situation its needed importance. Those who want to make lifestyle changes will find it a little easier to be disciplined, and should see results over time. Playing to your strengths will be the key to handling obstacles, even those you consider minor.

WORDS FROM THE WISE Take steps to resolve and make amends where you need to, and forgive and let go of the past. You can allow yourself to flourish without causing complications. Approach life from a space of strength and dignity. Situations do not have to be won or lost; focus towards the greater good for all concerned. Accept assistance when you need it, and be willing to help those in genuine need whenever you can.

Pisces Pisces 
February 19-March 20
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Be extra mindful while handling family finances and investments, and make sure you do not follow anyone’s advice blindly. Avoid giving out too much personal information on social media if you post regularly, and change your passwords regularly—there is a possibility that your data could get hacked. Those who feel they need to lose a few kilos should start out by cutting back on processed food including soft drinks and alcohol (if you drink).

LOOK TO CHANGE How you communicate with important people if your current style is not working well. Those who tend to procrastinate and/or second guess themselves should focus on practical actions and solutions. Recognise when it is only your fears that are holding you back, and do not be afraid to take action when needed.  Cut back on anything that is a waste of time or resources, and be as productive as possible.

LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Find a balance in important relationships, and show loved ones how much you care for them. Dig deep into your reserves of discipline to reach your goals. Success is possible if you decide to buckle up and put in your very best–this is also the space from which you will get new ideas and inspiration. Recognise any self-sabotaging 

LOOK FORWARD TO Recognising and making the most of small opportunities and growing them with patience. The options you have will be clearer and you will manage to work around challenges if you approach them with discipline. Challenges that take you out of your comfort zone would not be as difficult to handle as you might expect, and you will find your intuition sharpening. Property matters should get sorted out to your satisfaction as you would be able to negotiate a good deal for yourself.

WORDS FROM THE WISE There are times when life’s path is long winding and you cannot see the end. Be present in the journey, and appreciate each moment as it happens. Accept what is, without judging—even when good things happen! Your willpower will help you through any challenging situations without the need for control. Focus on creativity and it will grow. Do not resist change.

The writer is a Mumbai-based tarot consultant. Catch her weekly horoscope column in Sunday mid-day. You can reach her at

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