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Home > Technology News > Google Drive redesigned to look a lot like Gmail

Google Drive redesigned to look a lot like Gmail

Updated on: 10 May,2018 05:13 PM IST  |  California [United States]

Google Drive now appears to take major inspiration from the recently redesigned Gmail app

Google Drive redesigned to look a lot like Gmail

Google Drive redesigned to look a lot like Gmail

As part of its redesigning spree, Google has provided a surprise makeover to its Drive.

The Google Drive now appears to take major inspiration from the recently redesigned Gmail app. There are no new features, but the appearance has been tweaked to match with other Google products.

To begin with, the Drive interface background has been changed from gray to white for a neater look. The boxes and icons have also been given rounded corners and a taller appearance than before, Engadget reports.

In addition to that, the Drive logo is now placed prominently on the top left corner of the interface. The icons have also been shuffled a bit.

The latest changes to Google Drive will start reflecting in some time as the company is gradually rolling out the redesign.

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