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Home > Technology News > Google Cloud to shut down its IoT Core Service from August 2023

Google Cloud to shut down its IoT Core Service from August 2023

Updated on: 18 August,2022 05:59 PM IST  |  New Delhi

Google Cloud launched the service in 2017 to ease the task of sending data from connected devices to a company's cloud-based environment

Google Cloud to shut down its IoT Core Service from August 2023

Image for representational purpose only. Photo Courtesy: istock

Google Cloud has announced that it will be discontinuing its core Internet of Things (IoT) service in August next year and users will have the next one year to move to an alternative service. 

Google Cloud rivals Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft also offer similar IoT services.

While AWS has 'IoT Core,' Microsoft offers 'IoT Hub' as part of its Azure cloud platform.

"Google Cloud's IoT Core Service will be discontinued on August 16, 2023 at which point your access to the IoT Core Device Manager APIs will no longer be available," Google Cloud's IoT Core Product Team said in an update.

"We recommend that you take action early to migrate from IoT Core to an alternative service. As an initial step, connect with your Google Cloud account manager if you have questions about your migration plans," the company advised.

Google Cloud launched IoT Core Services in 2017 to ease the task of sending data from connected devices to a company's cloud-based environment.

Companies can use IoT Core to define the configuration settings of newly deployed connected devices.

"IoT Core is a fully managed service that allows you to easily and securely connect, manage, and ingest data from millions of globally dispersed devices," according to the company.

IoT Core, in combination with other services on Google Cloud, provides a complete solution for collecting, processing, analysing, and visualising IoT data in real time to support improved operational efficiency.

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