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Home > Technology News > Microsoft working on Outlook Lite for Android users Report

Microsoft working on 'Outlook Lite' for Android users: Report

Updated on: 03 July,2022 04:21 PM IST  |  San Francisco

"An Android app that brings the main benefits of Outlook in a smaller app size with fast performance for low-end devices on any network," said the brief description of Outlook Lite

Microsoft working on 'Outlook Lite' for Android users: Report

The mention of the coming Outlook Lite app for Android was added to the roadmap on June 30. Photo: AFP

The need for lighter and faster mobile applications is important today because of the many different function of the mobile device. Tech giant Microsoft is currently working on releasing a new 'Outlook Lite' app for Android users

The mention of the coming Outlook Lite app for Android was added to the roadmap on June 30. And, as per the entry, the tech giant plans to make the new app generally available worldwide in July 2022, reports ZDNet.

"An Android app that brings the main benefits of Outlook in a smaller app size with fast performance for low-end devices on any network," said the brief description of Outlook Lite.

Dr Windows noted that there already is a lighter-weight Outlook app available in a few countries that are known as "Outlook Lite". Indeed, there are references in various Microsoft documentation about a light/lite version of Outlook for Android.

According to a support article, Outlook Lite supports only personal Outlook, Hotmail, Live and MSN accounts but not work or school accounts. The new roadmap entry perhaps could be referencing an updated version of this app or a more broadly available version of it. The report said that they had reached out to Microsoft about the new Outlook Lite roadmap entry but have not received any word back so far.

Microsoft is currently testing publicly its new "One Outlook" client for Windows. One Outlook/Project Monarch, which looks and feels a lot like Outlook for the Web/Outlook.com, was said to be designed to unify the Windows, Web and Mac codebases for Outlook.

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