Is your partner love-bombing you? Look out for these eight signs

Love bombing is the sudden bombardment of ‘love’ in the form of excessive affection, attention, and flattery. Experts call this an unhealthy or even toxic trait

Updated On: 2023-12-13 11:32 PM IST

Compiled by : Aakanksha Ahire

Here are seven ways in which you could be getting love-bombed by your partner. Photo Courtesy: iStock

1. Rapid progression of the relationship
The start of the relationship feels like a whirlwind. There is a talk of a future together, talks of exclusivity and commitment, and constant contact.

2. Feels like you are being chased
It feels like a hunt as the love bomber is constantly hunting for your time and attention. They pursue you relentlessly and start acting jealous and possessive.

3. Idealisation
There is a lot of idealisation in these situations. Love bombers have a special way of making you feel like you are in a perfect relationship by making ideal gestures, and it’s hard not to fall for it.

4. Isolation
They might want you to stop speaking to your friends or family. They do so to gain control over your thoughts and discourage you from sharing your experience with others. It’s only by isolation can they win over you completely.

5. Hot and cold behaviour
There is never any consistency in their behaviour. One day they will spend an entire day on the video call only to ghost you for the next few days. They may seem emotionally withdrawn or abusive suddenly.

6. Manipulation
Love bombing is full of lies, gaslighting, guilt-tripping and shaming.  You are made to feel bad for having a voice or autonomy.

7. You find excuses to justify their behaviour 
You see yourself compromising on your values and making excuses for their bad behaviour and abuse.

8. The relationship becomes an addiction
The entire relationship feels like an addiction. You feel euphoric when you get their attention and extreme disorientation or withdrawal when they pull away or act distant.

With inputs from Ruchi Ruuh, psychologist and relationship counsellor.

Read More: Love bombing: Experts warn against this toxic trait of extreme love from your partner

Photos Courtesy: iStock 

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