The origin of Shri Karauli Shankar Mahadev Dham dates back to the Karauli sarkar, where the term "Karauli" signifies the unity of 'Shiv' and 'Shakti'.
The grand celebration of the birth anniversary of revered Baba Ji Pandit Shri Radha Raman Mishra Ji was commemorated today, on 14th February, 2024 at the holy shrine of Shri Karauli Shankar Mahadev Purvaj Mukti Dham, marking Baba Ji's 140th year. The origin of Shri Karauli Shankar Mahadev Dham dates back to the Karauli sarkar, where the term "Karauli" signifies the unity of 'Shiv' and 'Shakti'. This unity is epitomized where venerable figures like Baba Ji are revered. Baba Ji dedicated his entire life for the welfare of the world and the society and was a great practitioner of Tantra (tantra here do not signfies black magic/occult practices whereas it means existence and its system) He is considered as an incarnation of Maha avatar Baba Ji, who is currently being endorsed by revered Gurudev Shri Karauli Shankar Mahadev for global welfare. Baba Ji achieved heights in Tantra that no one has reached before.
The annual celebration of the divine incarnation of revered Baba Ji, which is celebrated every year on the day of Basant Panchami, was celebrated with great pomp and show, with many renowned bhajan singers immersing devotees in the devotion of Baba Ji. Gurudev Shri Karauli Shankar Mahadev said, "Whatever I am today is all because of Baba Ji; I do nothing, it's all Baba Ji's doing."
Shri Karauli Shankar Gurudev, while congratulating everyone on the birthday of Babaji, told his devotees that Babaji lived on this earth for 111 years, the body is a medium by which a person reaps his enjoyment by taking birth, and the human body is a medium by which man can be eternally free from the bondage of birth and death of 8.4 million yonis, Otherwise the being born in a human form is the most hedious thing , but in only one aspect this human form is the best because if you get this human body then you will be able to liberate yourself and can inspire thousands and lakhs of people to liberate from the bondage of birth cycle of 84 lakh species.
Most Revered Babaji spent 111 years on this earth and then attained Mahasamadhi. Mahasamadhi is achieved only by the one who has attained supreme knowledge. There are many paths to attain supreme knowledge, amongst all of them the best path to be considered is a path of Tantra, the simplest yet effective path for salvation is through the path of Tantra. Rest of the world, whether anyone belong to family tradition or Guru tradition, remain lost and continue to wander even after death, because without purn guru world is helpless, even if someone sit in penance for 24 hours, their ancestors or their smriti do not let them concentrate or meditate, these same ancestors mislead you by astral projection in such a way, they show you such things through astral projection that you might think that you have reached even further than Mahatma Buddha, but in reality it Doesn't happen, darbar encounters this everyday, all day long that how these people are trapped,by their ancestors and their negative memoried /smriti the only way out of this is Tantra which means system, understanding the system and living in it brings happiness, and this happiness can be continuous, and this peace From peace comes contentment, from contentment comes joy and from joy comes supreme bliss and you attain knowledge and are freed from eighty-four lakh births, with help of complete master / purn guru