Veteran actor Annu Kapoor couldn't be happier. His act as Dr Baldev Chaddha in Vicky Donor has wowed film-goers all over. Here's what he has to say:
Dr Chaddha rules
First of all, I am overwhelmed with the audiences’ response and would like to convey my gratitude to everyone for their appreciation. The reason to choose this film was purely because of the script, length and importance of the character.u00a0
Sex is sacred
The film deals with a subject which is experienced by many. Anything to do with sex tickles your funny bones, and so does the main theme of this film. But we never tried to play to the gallery or tried anything vulgar. I believe that sex is sacred and not a laughing matter.
Getting due credit
It is all about destiny. Our society loves success, and there’s no scope for failure. You have to succeed in whatever field you choose. Be it an actor, politician, cricketer, singer, dancer, godman, smuggler or even terrorist. We have created a society where only successful people get noticed and honoured. But this trend is very dangerous.u00a0Acting is my profession, and I am totally devoted to my work. I am passionate about other things, but I act for survival. I can proudly say that I strive for quality and only quality.u00a0
Where’s the originality?
Technically, our films have got better but originality is withering away. Very few films achieve critical acclaim and commercial success and Vicky Donor is one of them. If I get a good offer to sing from a music director, I will definitely sing for a film. I also wish to direct a film. It’s been a long time since I directed anything. u00a0