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Lady Gaga gifts UK chauffeur a year's supply of nappies

Updated on: 21 December,2011 09:31 AM IST  | 

Lady Gaga has given her British driver a year's supply of nappies after hearing that he was about to become a dad for the first time

Lady Gaga gifts UK chauffeur a year's supply of nappies

Lady Gaga has given her British driver a year's supply of nappies after hearing that he was about to become a dad for the first time.

The 25-year-old pop queen has also told her interior design team to transform his spare room into a nursery.

"Gaga is very generous with her presents and makes a huge effort for those who look after her," the Sun quoted a source as saying.

"As soon as she found out her UK driver was going to be a dad, she was on the phone trying to sort out a gift.

"It had to be something quirky, toou00a0-- it's part of her nature," the source added. Gaga has used the same driver for years, since she first started performing in the UK.

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