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Host a tea party for cancer awareness

Updated on: 07 May,2015 07:59 AM IST  | 
Hassan M Kamal |

Chai For Cancer is a unique campaign that aims to help raise awareness about cancer and raise funds for cancer patients by hosting a chai adda near you

Host a tea party for cancer awareness

Vijayalakshmi Venkatesh

Donation over a cup of tea seems like a novel idea, and that's exactly what 63-year-old Vijayalakshmi Venkatesh is trying to popularise. Last year, Venkatesh launched a campaign called Chai For Cancer with an aim to bring tea lovers together to raise funds to help cancer patients and at the same time, create awareness about the same. The campaign is back for the second edition, and this time, it has gone national.

Vijayalakshmi Venkatesh
Vijayalakshmi Venkatesh 

In the next two months, cities across India including Mumbai, Delhi, Ranchi and Varanasi among others, will be hosting chai addas / tea parties, where tea lovers can join in for a cup of tea and donate some amount (minimum R100) to help cancer patients. The campaign kicks off with the first chai adda / tea party at her house in Worli on May 10.

Venkatesh, who is also the country head of The Max Foundation (also the main organisers of the campaign), says since the campaign is open to all, anyone can host similar chai addas at their homes. "Willing participants can send us an email, and we will send them a Chai For Cancer kit, which includes tea leaves, tea cups and brochures in a week's time.

Chai For Cancer 

In fact, we will also arrange for a person with sufficient knowledge about various types of cancers to talk to the participants and help create awareness about cancer," says Venkatesh. These tea parties will also screen films, organise theatre acts, book readings, etc to make it more egnaging.

The Chai For Cancer Kit is distributed for free, and all donors will receive receipts from The Max Foundation. A minimum number of 25 participants is required to host a chai adda. So, next time, when you are in the mood for a cup of tea, head to a Chai Adda nearby or organise one yourself to help raise
awareness about cancer.

Log on to Friendsofmax.info or follow Chai for Cancer on Facebook for more details

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