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Why is it so tough to find rental accommodation in Mumbai?


Updated on: 20 December,2023 07:00 PM IST  |  Mumbai
Ainie Rizvi | ainie.rizvi@mid-day.com

Finding the perfect apartment in Mumbai is like chasing a mirage: It appears within reach but not quite. We investigate the factors that contribute to the city’s inflated housing rentals

Why is it so tough to find rental accommodation in Mumbai?

Mumbai’s notorious rentals are aggravated by the additional costs of deposits and heft brokerage. Image Courtesy: iStock

Key Highlights

  1. With high rental costs, the aspiration of residing in affluent areas remains a dream
  2. The rental prices can be increased yearly at the owner’s discretion
  3. Owners ask brokers to cap the rents at non-negotiable rates

Amid Mumbai’s urban landscape, one enigma stands tall - the soaring cost of rental accommodation. The essentials of life – ‘Roti, kapda aur makaan' are universal, but in Mumbai, securing a 'makaan' proves to be a bank-breaking task. 

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