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Facebook inbox on desktop gets revamped with Messenger

Updated on: 19 January,2017 05:42 PM IST  | 

Facebook is integrating the Messenger app into its desktop version, giving an all new messaging experience to the desktop users

Facebook inbox on desktop gets revamped with Messenger

Facebook inbox on desktop gets revamped with Messenger

Facebook inbox on desktop gets revamped with Messenger
Picture courtesy/YouTube

New York: Facebook is integrating the Messenger app into its desktop version, giving an all new messaging experience to the desktop users.

According to a report in TechCrunch on Wednesday, the change has been spotted by a number of users in multiple markets which hinted it was more than a small-scale 'test'.

However, Facebook has not yet made any formal announcement about the change.

In the upgraded version, the previous inbox icon has been replaced with the Messenger icon in the blue navigation bar at the top of the screen. When clicked, you are taken to a revamped inbox that is similar to a Messenger.com.

"Here, the left side of the screen reads 'Messenger' above the list of those friends you had recently chatted with, while the centre of the now three-paned interface will display the content of the currently selected chat session," the report noted.

On the right-hand side of the screen, the name of your friend is displayed in the selected chat, when they were recently active, and provides access to other Messenger features.

In the upgraded version, a user can search the conversation, edit nicknames, change the chat's colour and so on.

"Facebook has long approached Messenger with a different strategy on mobile, than it has on the web. On mobile devices, it pushed users away from the web version of Messenger and to the dedicated mobile app," the report added.

Facebook has seen a number of updates in recent months, like introduction of Group Video Chats, games and a platform for business.

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