Whether it is to spice up a fizzling romance or to impress a new lover, a sensual massage is your one-way ticket to pleasureville
Read on as we give you some tips at being a mystic masseur.
A soothing hand running over you intimately, a softly illuminated room and the waft of the gentlest of smells intoxicating your senses. With Aromatherapy, let the olfactory senses be your route to sensual nirvana. Think about rose or sandalwood for an exotic, intimate setting or geranium and lavender to relax. Begin with dabbing a bit of the oil to the temples and gently rotate the balls of your fingertips over the forehead of your partner.
Hot stone massage
Did you ever think something as basic as stones could be a splendid relationship investment? Yes, hot stone massage is a very relaxing ritual that makes for great bonding. Lay a couple of stones on top of your partner outlining his/her whole spine. Put some warm massage oil on your hands and rub the back of his/her legs. Take two therapeutic stones (one for each of your hands) and start massaging.
Shiatsu massage
This makes use of localised finger pressure in a rhythmic sequence. The techniques involved here include tapping, squeezing, rubbing and applied pressure. It is soothing even though the pressure is firm. A great way to make that connection with your partner.
Thai massage
Thai massage aligns the energies of the body using gentle pressure on specific points. It's like yoga without doing any work! It is more energising than other forms of massage.
Chocolate massage
Gooey, messy, dark and yummyâ ¦ that's what this heavenly experience is going to be like. Pour the finest melted chocolate on him/her, spread it around as you rub it softly on the skin and an occasional touch of the tongue would only make it sweeter both for you and him/her. Now you know why they call it a sin?u00a0