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Find your roots

Updated on: 04 May,2022 08:47 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Ayushi Khandelwal | ayushi.khandelwal@mid-day.com

Sign up for an event that takes the participant through the foundations of cultural heritage via stories

Find your roots

Usha Venkatraman at the Mumbai International Storytelling festival

Mumbai Storytellers Society is back with an interesting event, and this time they have three speakers on board who will explore the foundations of cultural heritage through stories. Usha Venkatraman, Hema Subramanian and Shalini Bajaj Surve will narrate tales that shed light on three different cultures.

Sharing insight into her narration, Venkatraman, the founder of the society, says, “Khejri trees, the inspiration of the Chipko Movement, are on the verge of extinction. They hold a significant place in Rajasthani culture. We will be discussing the mythological and environmental importance of trees.” Giving the session a fun vibe, Hema Subramanian, co-founder of the society will unravel a folk tale, Sweet and Salty, from Andhra Pradesh. “It is a funny story about how a wife refines her husband’s taste in culture and traditions by forcing him to attend a harikatha,” tells Subramanian.

(From left) Shalini Bajaj Surve and Hema Subramanian
(From left) Shalini Bajaj Surve and Hema Subramanian

Looking into the culture of her forefathers, Bajaj Surve, a core member of the society, will share stories about the Sindhi folk song, Ho jamalo. “One such story is about a brave resident of Sindh who took a brave step for their culture, which no one would have dared to, during the British Raj in India,” she says.
On: May 7 Time 7 pm
Log on to: @mumbai.storytellers.society on Facebook to register; Zoom to attend
Cost: Rs 100

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