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Mumbai: Collective water stock in seven reservoirs now at 97.31 per cent

Updated on: 25 October,2022 10:32 AM IST  |  Mumbai
mid-day online correspondent |

Mumbai gets water from reservoirs including Tulsi, Tansa, Vihar, Bhatsa, Modak Sagar, Upper Vaitarna and Middle Vaitarna

Mumbai: Collective water stock in seven reservoirs now at 97.31 per cent

Vehar lake. File Pic

After the past spells of rainfall in Mumbai, the water level in some of the reservoirs are close to a 100 per cent mark. According to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) data, on Tuesday, the collective water stock in the seven reservoirs that supply drinking water to Mumbai is now at 97.31 per cent.

Mumbai gets water from reservoirs including Tulsi, Tansa, Vihar, Bhatsa, Modak Sagar, Upper Vaitarna and Middle Vaitarna.

As per the BMC on October 25, the seven lakes that provide water to Mumbai have 14,08,466 million litres of water of the total capacity of 14,47,363 lakh million litres. The water level in the lakes was 96.62 per cent during this time last year and 95.07 per cent in the year 2020.

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As per the data, as on October 25, the water level in Modak-Sagar is 87.71 per cent, at Tansa 98.24 per cent, Middle Vaitarna 94.88 per cent, Upper Vaitarna 100 per cent, Bhatsa 98.58 per cent, Vehar 99.22 per cent and Tulsi has 97.09 per cent of water, the BMC data mentioned.

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