The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) performed a 'Maha Aarti' dedicated to 'Bharat Mata' on the occasion of 69th Republic Day, where thousands of students and people participated in Telangana's Hyderabad city
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Hyderabad (Telangana): The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) performed a 'Maha Aarti' dedicated to 'Bharat Mata' on the occasion of 69th Republic Day, where thousands of students and people participated in Telangana's Hyderabad city. Amberpet BJP MLA G. Kishan Reddy told ANI, 'Swamy Vivekananda always advised us to respect our 'Bharat Mata' (Motherland), so in his words of inspiration we organised this programme today. More than 20,000 people, including students, participated from various areas of Hyderabad'.
'This programme is first of its kind in India', Reddy added. Yesterday, there were some objections to the programme being planned by legislators of the BJP. The objection was that religion should not intrude into Republic Day, which is a secular event.
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